st. simeon’s and st. anna’s orthodox cathedral
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开放时间: 暂无

St Simeon’s and St. Anna’s Orthodox Cathedral which was designed by the charismatic architect N. Chagin is located on Raina iela, Jelgava. Built between 1890 and 1892, with substantial financial support from Alexander III, the then Russian Tsar. This historic cathedral is a superb Jelgava attraction. The cathedral’s altar and its fundaments have remained from the previous church which was located here, built in 1774 and designed by F. B. Rastrelli of Jelgava Palace fame. St. Simeon’s and St. Anna’s Orthodox five –domed Cathedral was totally destroyed during the Second World War but after a total reconstruction it looks better than ever. If you have never been in an Orthodox Church before this is a time to see inside one.
Собор очень выделяется среди общей неухоженности города. Одна из главных доминант города. Недалеко от ж/д-вокзала.
Снаружи этот собор очень красивый, в проектировании участвовали известные архитекторы. Внутри ничего особенного, все очень скромно.
Quando viaggio mi piace vedere più cose possibili di quella che è la realtà storica, politica e religiosa di un paese JELGAVA è una città di circa 40000 abitanti con una forte traduzione ortodossa . La cattedrale ti viene incontro con una massa bianca e blu bellissima , se poi sei fortunato e trovi una di quelle giornate limpide che in Lettonia hanno il cielo di un blu terso, tipico dei paesi nordici , allora tutto è perfetto . L'interno e' come tutte le chiese ortodosse , libere dai banchi cattolici, tutto attorno alle pareti una serie infinita di icone , quadri ed immagini . Bellissima struttura
Очень красивый:))) Восстановлен после второй мировой войны, расположен недалеко от католического, также восстановленного собора.
Удивило наличие такого огромного православного собора при основных религиях лютеранства и католицизма.