chapelle sainte devote
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开放时间: 暂无

It's a lovely place to see whatever your religious persuasion.Didn't get to see the changing of the guard but enjoyed it anyway.I believe the current royal family visit here so people often visit to try and catch a glimpse of them.
Unfortunately I just missed the mass and the celebration of the feast day of Saint Devotee last January. The police patrol was just leaving by the front of the church which I believed that some royal families attended too. The band were taking their instrument together to load in a van. The disappointing part was the church was lock so I couldn't visit the inside. Incomplete visit although I felt the warmth of the church from the outside.
A lovely retreat on a warm summer's day ... beautiful architecture and sweet silence ... stunning views from outside ... the graves of Princess Grace and Prince Albert are here (among others) an interesting place perched high on the hill that we randomly tripped upon ... worth a visit after the changing of the guard :)
Sainte-Dévote Chapel is a Roman Catholic chapel dedicated to Saint Devota, the patron saint of Monaco.The chapel was first mentioned in archived documents dated 1070, built against the wall of Vallon des Gaumates, on the space now occupied by the Chapel of Relics. It was restored in the 16th century. In 1606, Prince Honoré II added a span, followed by a porch in 1637. The façade was rebuilt in 1870 and refurbished further in 1891 in "18th-century Neo-Greek" style. The stained-glass windows were made by Nicolas Lorin of Chartres. The glass windows were destroyed during the bombing of Monaco during World War II and were restored by Fassi Cadet of Nice in 1948.It was built in the hollow of the "Vallon des Gaumates", where during the 4th century a frail boat carrying Sainte Dévote's remains ran aground at its entrance. Every year on 26th January, a boat is burnt at nightfall as part of a still fervent traditional ceremony.
The scenery is spectacular, the main square with the changing of the guards plus the museum was quite interesting.
Очаровательная маленькая часовня покровительницы Монако Святой Девоты. Именно в эту часовню по традиции каждая новая принцесса княжества должна принести свой свадебный букет. Часто с этого места начинается знакомство с городом, так как рядом находится лестница, ведущая на железнодорожный вокзал.
Этот небольшой храм построен в 11 веке! Честно, я была немало удивлена такой древностью среди комфортабельного современного Монте-Карло. Очень трогательно, что местные жители так чтят свою святую, они считают, что раз корабль с ее телом утонул недалеко от их берега, то она как бы захоронена у них в городе. А иметь в городе своего святого - это очень и очень почетно у католиков. Внутри церковь ничем не примечательна, но для горожан она дорога.
Маленькая, симпатичая часовня покровителя Монако, недалеко от гавани. Безусловно стоит посетить есть вы оказались в Монако.
Le saint patron de Monaco, celle vers qui nous nous tournons quand tout va mal, certain pense que c'est petit, que c'est vite visité, que c'est triste...C'est le lieu le plus important de la Principauté!!!
Linda igreja. o grande inconveniente é não ter horário para missas e esta quase sempre fechada. mas se você tiver a oportunidade de entrar vale a pena entrar!
Petite chapelle mignonne avec jolies lumières de nuit, intérieur vite visité par contre. A deux pas du port
C'est ici que tout a commencé, la légende de sainte Dévote, le saint patron de Monaco. Certes l’édifice est petit, mais c'est l'intensité qui compte.Sans cette chapelle, pas de Monaco!!!
que de tristesse ressentie dans ces lieux....allez plutôt a l’église saint Charles ! elle est rayonnante !
J'ai habité à Monaco toute ma vie mais je n'ai jamais visité cet endroit! Je ne suis pas chrétienne. L'église et très petite et d'après ce que j'ai entendu, il n'y à rien d'intéressant à l'intérieur. La structure n'est pas impressionnante et il n'y à rien à faire dans les environs... Je ne vous conseille pas cet endroit!
Muito linda essa igreja, acho que a mais bonita de Monaco. Vale muito a visita, meio escondida, mas não é difícil de achar.