castello di celje


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castello di celje



at least once a week in the morining, before going to work, I go walking uphill to Old Castle. well, it gives me some sort of energy to survive "down there" in crowd, rush,.. also, I like concerts preformed here.


Castle in my hometown.Great story about Celjski grofje and how did they live in the past. In the summer there are live concerts and knight games.Sightseeing point on town Celje.Great place to spend time with friends and family and make beautiful photos


This castle fortress on a hill overlooking Celje is amazing. The views are incredible in all directions. The actual castle itself transports you to another era. There is not much to see in the rooms themselves in terms of museum-like exhibits. You go there for the stone walls, towers, and views.


Almost a must when you are visiting Celje. It is an old castle of Celje built from 13th to 16th cent.there is a lot of history and scenic views of Celje, lower Savinska valey, Pohorje...... For long years most visited touristic point in Slovenia.


You can even climb the keep! The views are spectacular. There's not a lot to see within the castle walls (it's refreshingly devoid of dummies and wigs), but it's well worth a visit.


On our way to Celje we saw it from a distance and decided that it must be seen and we are not disappointed.For exterior impresses with its image and release, and it enters in the old town, we were enchanted. Walking through it we saw Playground, Knights camps, Cenral courtyard with Well, Moat with a bridge, Gothic palatium, Queen Barbara's corner shop in Romanesque palatium, The Castel printing shop in Romanesque palatium, View platform, and finally after climbing a lot of stairs Frederick's Tower, panoramic point which offers a superb view of Celje. Outside offers free parking, admission is 2 euros, of which 1 Euro a discount at a coffee shop, and at the entrance you can buy some souvenirs. Dogs allowed on a lead. We strongly recommend.


This is a delightful ancient castle overlooking the lovely town of Celje. There are towers, parapets, a moat, living history exhibits, and strangely some of the coolest bathrooms I have ever seen. Admission is still only 2 Euros and includes a 1 Euro discount in the very nice cafe. The is adequate parking.


The best place to open youre eyes for history. Knight games : Shooting with a bow, throw horseshoes, walking on stilts ... On the end it was show ( fencing knights and fire breathing ).We have funn!!!


Easy to find. Real Romantic peirod castle, very big. It is more to walk throuhg it, it does not really offer exhibition inside. In summer if the weather is good it features mediaval festival but we were not lucky with the weather. Very good view from the top.


The old castle is well visible from the town center and its vicinity despite being a ruin. But the remnants are well preserved with a nice tower with new iron stairs and viewing terrace. Also the entrance fee is reasonable (2 eur/pers. including 1 Eur discount in castle caffé with wide choice of cold and hot drinks and snacks). Recommended for visiting especially in good weather but the view is good even in rain as we have convinced ourselves.


The Stari Grad at Celje, on a prominent hill overlooking the city of Celje, is one of the most striking medieval structures in Slovenia. The seat of the last rulers of Slovenia before it was assimilated into the Habsburg family possessions, the history of the castle is exceptionally well displayed. The views from the battlements are superb. Furthermore, the castle is not a tourist rip off like those in our homeland (Scotland); it costs us each EUR 2 to get in, and on using the excellent castle cafe, we got a EUR 1 discount off the cafe bill. The young lady at the reception (which also doubles as a tourism information office) was knowledgeable and helpful, and also spoke excellent English (given German is frequently the second foreign language in this part of Slovenia)


This is my favourite city. I visited all places in Celje :) This castle is really well preserved and cool. And try to walk from castle to the town, u'll feel good! ;)


A huge castle, part renovated and with easily accessible stairs (many steps) and ramps to most sections, but with the gothic old palace heart in ruins. Spectacular views over Celje and the surrounding mountains, villages and river plain. Good access by car, but it is a much more pleasant 2km walk from Celje, through forests - but it is fairly steeply uphill all the way.


Started to be renovated a few years ago and is much more visitor friendly, some great attractions the history of the place is a must for the Slovenians and visitors alike.Cafe not overpriced and good value, must visit loos.The views are great can see over to Croatia Just a short car drive away. Can spend a good day there.Nice shop, books in various languages and a very good cook book.


This is a wonderful place to visit. The castle itself is very well preserved, and was newly renovated, which brings out its ancient features. Also, the view overlooking Celje and the rolling hills is stunning. Though a bit tacky to mention, the gift shop in the back of the castle (cannot remember its exact name) provides a splendid array of wines, honeys, soaps, and other locally produced items. Indeed, I purchased a rose wine that is made from a local monastery from a centuries old recipe! I highly recommend visiting!

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