saints paul and peter


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saints paul and peter



This is a grand site inside with lots of stained glass but sadly is rather dingy and dark. It is one of best decorated building in Constanta and should be shown off more proudly than it is. It is easy to enter and walk around but as it seemed in the rest of Constanta do not expect welcoming smiles. Such an unhappy city.


Dimly lit, but very ornate, every inch of this orthodox church is covered in religeous icons. There are relics of the two apostles on display in humble glass cases. When we were there, it appeared that the church was undergoing a bit of construction, but it is still being used. Priest were walking in and out and even providing a prayer blessing off in the corner while we walked about, admiring the interior. The altar is a sight to behold, guilded in silver and gold. Free entrance. Flash photography discouraged.


Handpainted and Beautiful. This Orthodox Church is a good find and worth a visit. We visited with a GCT tour grop and really enjoyed it


The cathedral has a beautiful facade and interesting paintings on the interior walls The Palace of the Archdiocese of Tomis was built in 1925 next to the cathedral .


Самый большой собор в городе. Сохранилось убранство интерьера. Рядом Архиепископский дворец в стиле необрынковяну


Интересный собор недалеко от набережной и центра города Констанца. Фасад впечатляет, видно, что за собором следят и реставрируют. Рядом с собором раскопки древнего храма Томис 1925 года. Внутрь не заходили, обошли со всех сторон, около собора на нас набросились дети-попрошайки, так что держите сумки крепче.


Não está muito bem conservada externamente porém, não deixe de visitar seu interior que ostenta belos vitrais. Está bem no centro histórico, próxima a demais atração, inclusive o belo Museu de História.


Bellissima chiesa, molto ricca internamente; ho avuto la fortuna di assistere a un battesimo affascinante e suggestivo,merita una visita

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