beer in hand hereford
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开放时间: 暂无

Don't be fooled. The frontage to this real ale jewel gives the impression of being a café (the building actually used to be a laundrette). In fact my companion for this visit actually walked past several times on a recent visit to the city without noticing it!. However, once inside, it opens out into a little beer oasis. Behind the bar is a glass fronted rack of up to 16 barrels from which the beer is served directly. The very knowledgeable owner was happy to let us taste samples and explained the history of the pub and their brewery in nearby Bromyard, Oddessy Brew Co. We tried a number of Oddessy, Red Squirrel and York Brewery in the time we were there, all in excellent condition. This place comes highly recommended and is well worth the short walk the "wrong" side of Hereford's ridiculously busy main road. I believe food will be available again from February 2015.
Sinbad, pub dog, pork scratchings hustler and head of PR for Beer in Hand here. We greatly appreciate your review. You've pretty much encapsulated what we believe a good pub should be all about. Good beer and good conversation (and free dog treats for me). Cheers, we hope we see you again sometime.
Hello Robyn-Adele, thank you for you review. Whilst we are a pub concentrating on the best ales and ciders in the country (and beyond), we have, over the last year and longer, increased our offerings to cater for all tastes. As well as our beers ranging from session pale ales, through traditional bitters, to strong IPAs and rich dark stouts, we also serve a ciders ranging in sweetness, soft drinks, lager, wine, Prosecco & bottled beers. We are a pub, so we can't please all the coffee all the time!, but we are pleased to offer something for everyone as much as is possible. We hope you are in again soon. Cheers!
Mike D - a short but very sweet review - thank you! Beer in Hand is a family run business and it brings us genuine joy when people enjoy their experience. We are also truly passionate about the beer and cider we serve. We serve gravity because it's tasting the beer the way the brewer tasted it when it was first brought into the world. Pumps, gas, sparklers - they all serve to reduce the flavor and freshness of the beer in our opinion. Once again, thanks for making our day. Cheers!
Hi and thanks for visiting us on your travels. The pub - it's all about good company and as far as we are concerned good beer. Thanks for bringing some new people in to visit us as well, we rely very much on word of mouth. We don't do flashy advertising, we want people to discover our pub through word of mouth and a love of good beer. Our only disappointment is that we only introduced you to two new beers this time, we must try harder next time ;)
Sinbad the pub dog, head of PR at BIH, is most pleased with your review - thank you. I am so happy with your review I might demand an extra walk to work off the excitement. I believe a good pub formula is pretty simple - a friendly environment which serves an interesting range of beer and cider and, of course, free dog treats (essential). I am particularly happy that you noticed we welcome all sorts of different people and, more importantly, dogs into the pub. We appreciate you taking the time to give us a review - until your next beer - Cheers!
Hello, Sinbad pub dog and head of PR here. As usual those lazy owners leave the trip advisor responses to me. We are very glad you enjoyed your first trip to Beer in Hand - we welcome beer and non beer drinkers alike, although our non-beer beverages are a bit more limited. I myself like pork scratchings best, but I am partial to beer when someone spills it. Yummy. You can always ask for a recommendation for a 'Learners' beer and the person behind the bar will be only too happy to help you out. We hope to see you soon.
Hello Pete, Sinbad pub dog and Public Relations Manager here. Thanks for your review! Sorry it has taken me so long to respond I have been very busy snaffling pork scratchings and getting fat. Thank you so much for taking the time to review us and we are all delighted that you enjoy what we have done. As you say, we are a bit unconventional but we think it's good to stand out from the crowd. Cheers and please feed me a dog treat next time you are in!
Hello Neil. SInbad, head of PR for Beer in Hand here. Thanks for your review, we've not seen Cordelia again but that's not a bad thing as I might of attacked on sight, you know how grumpy I get if I've not been allowed a pork scratching.I guess from your review that you are one of our regulars (Boxy?) and if so then you make the pub what it is. Without your support and open mindeness we wouldn't be able to put on so many different beers. More importantly the owners wouldn't be able to afford my dog treats.See you soon, please please don't let Paul Stevens look after me he is horrible man not like woof, woof.WOOFSinbad.
Hello it's Sinbad pub dog and head of PR for Beer in Hand belatedly responding to your review. Firstly, thanks for taking the time to review and sorry it has taken me a while to respond. I've a hectic schedule involving hoovering up left over food off the pub floor, begging for pork scratchings and looking cute. We are delighted you 'plucked up the courage' to give us a try. Our aim is to create an environment where young and old can rub shoulders and feel comfortable. We are passionate about good beer and cider (and indeed food). The quality of beer and cider in the UK is some of the best in the world and we want as many people, whether they be young, old, male, female or indeed canine to enjoy the best there is. Combine with top notch grub and you've got a happy combination indeed.See you soon, don't forget to stroke me if I'm about.Cheers
Dear Reviewer, my name is Mr Sinnibe and I am the resident Pub Dog and responsible for handling complaints at Beer in Hand, which your review appears to be. It is disappointing you rave about the beer quality yet this apparently minor aspect of the PUB is not reflected in your 1 rating.May I profusely apologise that your experience was traumatic to the extent of preventing you from reviewing Beer in Hand for some 8 months? Unfortunately given the time passed it is difficult for me to respond accurately to your observations. Our website has always had a contact email form - I am sorry you failed to find it on the "Useful Info" page.As regards the member of staff to whom you refer (I cannot know which one now), I would advise that by November the pub had been open just two months (at most). Whilst we do our best to teach staff about the beers served, which change almost daily, perhaps she was new, and still learning? Granted, not ideal from your point of view, but we are all "learner drivers" to start with! I am sorry she did not give you the attention you so richly craved. In fact, somewhat misguidedly it would seem, we had thought that by covering the pub with beer menus and tasting notes, all knowledge gaps were covered but clearly this was not sufficient to meet your particular needs, for which we apologise. With reference to your opinions on food, hot beverages/non-alcoholic beverages and an "off-key" business model, it is regrettable that through those comments you appear to have entirely missed, and misunderstood, the whole point of BEER in Hand. If your idea is that 10 options of non-alcoholic beverages excludes tee-totallers, then we must criticise all non-licensed coffee shops in a similar way for not catering for those who want a pint of beer at 10am (yes, some people do). Having initially served tea & coffee, the total lack of interest in, or demand for, it rendered it not commercially viable to continue with. Whilst we are sadly not the place for you, I would highly recommend you visit Wetherspoons, or one of the 2/4/6/8 meal deal pubs in the area, as more suitable venues for your requirements and aspirations.
Hello, my goodness I've got a lot of reviews to catch up with. It's SInbad pub dog and head of Public Relations for BIH here. Thanks very much for your review and for supporting our little pub. I hope you also fed me a dog treat when you were last in. However, on Thursday's i'm usually kept out of the way until later on, apparently I am too greedy and snaffle too much food - as if I would! Thanks again and I hope to see you soon.CheersSInny B
Hello and thank you for your kind review and for taking the time to review us. Sorry it has taken me a while to respond as pub dog and head of PR for BIH I have a very busy life you see. We are delighted you enjoyed the pub and are supporting us, a small independent and family run business. We hope to see you soon and please remember if you see me I like a dog treat or two.Yours GreedilySinbad, Pub Dog and Pork Scratching Hustler
Sinbad pub dog and head of PR at Beer in Hand here to belatedly respond to your review. Thanks very much for your review and for taking the time to review us. I'm not sure about great management, I'm the only one that seems to do any work around here, only the other day I had to eat an entire cheese roll that someone had foolishly left in the pub unattended. Seriously though, thanks for supporting us as we are a small family run business trying to bring the best beer and cider we can to Hereford with some lovely food too.See you soon.Sinny B
Hello Paul B, sorry it has taken me, Sinbad, Master of Beer in Hand, Keeper of Pork Scratchings and head of PR so long to respond. We are delighted you enjoy your time in the pub. As we have said before it is our regular customers and supporters that allow us to supply the range of interesting and exciting beers we serve. Without those open minded people willing to try something different, to be excited by what is frankly the best time in history to be a beer drinker in the UK we wouldn't exist. Beer In Hand stands for diversity of beer choice, beer that is better than just average and the good folk of Hereford have shown that they do indeed want something different. I'll no doubt see you soon, I do hope that Tony bloke is in, his jokes are bad but he is a nice man and he feeds me many treats.Rover and outSinny B