catedral de lugo


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catedral de lugo



Lugo is famous for its intact and well-maintained city walls. What most tourists don´t know is that the Cathedral of Lugo is the city´s secret gem. There was hardly anyone in the cathedral and so we could take our time and explore its interior. We were able to see different side rooms off the central nave and it felt like we were stepping back in time. It was easy to imagine what it must have been like in the cathedral centuries ago. The main altar has been updated -- but what beauty! A true feast for the eyes, made of precious metals and marble. Behind the main altar is the Chapel of Our Lady of the Big Eyes. The wood work in this Chapel is incredible -- so intricate and detailed. It is worth the time to walk all the way around the ornate structure just to see the detail in the wood work. I was pleasantly surprised with both the cathedral and Lugo. What a great little town off the beaten path!


Structure was completed in 13th century (although current facade is from 18th century) but it combines few architectural styles inside. Richly decorated; some nice, colorful stained glass. Interior cools you down on a hot sunny day.


When in Lugo, don't miss the cathedral. The building is very nice and very near the classic wall of Lugo. From the wall you can make a great picture of this church.


Wow, one is taken by surprise when you enter the Cathedral . It going to the past can imagine the monks that once walked there .loved the quiet feeling inside . ...with the high ceilings and old well kept images .

Pinky Parker

If you visit Lugo, you might as well have a look in the Cathedral. It is also a good meeting place as there is a portico over the main entrance.


Finalizada su construcción en el siglo XIIIY con estilo románico, barroco y neoclasico es de obligada visita si estas en la ciudad de Lugo. No decepcionará.


Preciosa Catedral románica con una fachada impresionante. Destacaría el coro, el altar, retablos, columnas, imágenes, frescos, etc..... Imprescindible su visita y admiración. También el claustro es de destacar


Me gustó todo: sus pinturas descubiertas recientemente, su Altar Mayor con la exposición del Santísimo permanente, su arquitectura románica, barroca, neoclásica, la sillería del coro,..No encontré nada negativo. Visita obligada


Foi uma surpresa agradável a catedral de Lugo, fica junto a uma das entradas que atravessam a muralha para dentro da cidade e vale a pena visitar pela grandeza e diversas capela adornadas que possui.


En conjunto de la muralla y la catedral es perfecto. Sacamos varias fotos en las que salen ambas.Se encuentra en el interior de la muralla y destaca por su altura.


La Catedral de Lugo es la única que tiene el privilegio de tener El Santísimo expuesto de día y de noche.Merece la penar hacer una visita a su claustro y a su museo. También se pueden visitar sus torres desde las que se divisa la Ciudad Amurallada y su entorno.


No es de las dimensiones de otras catedrales como Santiago, pero realmente es grandiosa en sus fachadas exteriores y naves y altares.Sobre todo el precioso altar mayor, bellísimos frescos y espectacular el coro.


Pese a que es una de las catedrales menos conocidas, es una preciosidad digna de ver. Muy bien conservada y su estilo principalmente romanico se puede observar a la perfección


Quando entrei para a catedral pensei que seria mais uma Igreja para visitar, contudo quando entrei fiquei de boca aberta, pois é única e os detalhes são mágnificos. Gostei de ver o pedaço de madeira da Cruz onde Cristo foi crucificado.


Sicuramente è una delle cose che si nota di più, dopo la Muraglia Romana (a mio avviso molto bella). Beh, sicuramente da vedere, fuori la trovo terribilmente fantastica, soprattutto la sera quando è illuminata. Dentro la trovo molto barocca quindi a volta la risposta: bella o non bella? Chi può deciderlo. Ammiratela.

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