skywalk grand canyon
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2012年10月8日我去参观了The Skywalk。我们选择从拉斯维加斯驾车过去,在到Dirt Track(土路)前都挺好的。但是这段土路上的景色超级棒,但是路况实在太糟糕了。我怪自己之前没有做好Skywalk的攻略,或者花钱从拉斯维加斯坐直升机。在到达保护区后,我们发现走路去大道还需要25美元左右,但是坐巴士去大道(必须要去的)大概要45美元。因此,70美元的价格实在太高了。巴士游程持续了几秒钟,就在保护区转转。skywalk本身是个很不错的地方,但是擦痕让这次体验没有我想象的那样使人肾上腺激素喷张,人们甚至在鞋子上还要套上小袋子。他们不准许你带行李(包括T-Cut刮痕去除剂)是事出有因的,还有一群专业摄影师欢迎你(仅按下快门就需要25美元)。这次游程的亮点不是skywalk本身,而是从Eagle Point 和Guano Point能看到很棒的景色。建议:如果可以的话,坐飞机过去。如果不行,要知道土路风大、颠簸、灰尘大但有趣。如果你开车过去的话,考虑这一路的时间(从拉斯维加斯过去2.5个小时(120英里))。做好每人要花70美元的准备,而且还要考虑进去巴士游程的隐性消费。(感觉农场主不愿意修整穿过他土地的那条土路,所以不要怪罪华莱派部落,而且通过他的土地他还向华莱派部落收费)。
周五我们开车从拉斯维加斯到西缘。花的时间比预期中长,且大部分路都是沙土路。沿途完全找不到可以停车的地方……如果你想要上厕所,你可能得像我们一样在沙漠中方便!后来我们到达西缘时,把车停在了Hualapai Lodge。只要你在这里停车,就得买游玩大峡谷的票。他们提供巴士载你至那儿,但做好排长队的准备。票很贵……因为我们想去天空步道,就买了454RMB的‘Ultimate Entry Package’套餐,其中还要加上税费,49RMB的环境建设费及19RMB的燃油附加费。小屋里全是冒充正宗Hualapai作品的劣质纪念品。喷泉上的招牌还写着禁止填充水……鉴于这里的票价和购买纪念品的钱,旅客完全有权免费续水。第一个峡谷的观景点有天空步道,但其实第二个更棒。天空步道挺不错;直接透过玻璃向下看很刺激,且从步道的每个角落都能看到壮丽景色。不允许自带相机,但对我来说无所谓,因为步道上有专业的摄影师可为你拍照。风很大,当我们走在步道上时,仿佛感觉在随风摇摆,让人充满不安……更不要说墙上那块有巨大裂缝的玻璃!虽然游玩步道不限时间,但15分钟后(其中10分钟在照相),我们就准备回去了。当我们回到屋内,去看了照片,很不错。但每打印一张180RMB,可存储所有照片的USB则是685RMB……最后我们没要。包含在票价里的午餐很一般。建议点菜,这样就可以不用吃提前做好的三明治。总之,虽然这次游览还不错,但我不推荐天空步道。从西缘的观景点也可以看到许多绝妙景色(还可以自带相机!)。
This is a must see area of the Grand Canyon. All the roads to get there are paved now and in very good condition. We went from KIngman to the Skywalk without encounteringn any gravel roads. The Skywalk is a worthwhile adventure. We enjoyed the bus ride to the various sites as well as the Skywalk. All the stops are worth visiting. Don't miss the magician at the ranch, he was very good. The roads are well maintained and the hosts were friendly. It is a little pricey but it takes a lot of money to build and maintain this type of experience. We watched the film on building the skywalk. It runs about 1/2 hours but is well worth the watch. I have a new found apprecation of the work and planning it took to create the Skywalk. I believe you are missing part of the experience if you skip seeing the film. We had some concerns about stepping on to a platform several hundred feet above the open canyon but found our fears to be misplaced.
Amazing engineering of the skywalk. You can also enjoy the view from Eagle Point and Guano Point for free but if you dare to walk at a glass and look down then this is a great deal too. The biggest let down was you cant bring your own camera. It costed us $66 for a photographer to take a few photos of my partner and I that was emailed a few days later. The view was breath taking.
The Skywalk is an engineering marvel. The view from the skywalk, especially since you can look straight down at your feet and keep on looking for hundreds of feet is amazing. I can only think the view would be like parachuting/parasailing which I haven't done, but it is sorta like paragliding which I have done. Without going out on the walk you can see the same basic view but when you are able to look past your toes and be looking down hundreds of feet will just grab some, and others think no so much of it as you can see about the same thing by looking over the edge of a cliff. For some it will be worth the $ and experience and others not. Upon arivial I didin't think I was gonna pay to walk out on it, but while in the gift shop they had the DVD playing that told about the building of it and that iced it for me so I ponied up the money to go out on it. After the fact; I'm sorta torn but at same time glad I coughed up the $ to go out on it.
While it was a cool experience, it wasn't worth $32/person. Enjoy Eagle Point and Guano Point views and save your money.
This is quite a marvel, when you are standing on the glass over the canyon, it is an incredible feeling. Ignore the naysayers, this is a must see, this is no more of a tourist trap than any other attraction you will see on your visit to the surrounding areas. The tribe members are extremely helpful and a pleasure to speak with. Go you will not regret it. The road in is no problem, we rented a car and drove, and did not understand what the fuss was about!! Go and enjoy
It's not cheap but nothing special is free. You will spend around $80.00 with all the fees and you can't take pictures. With that said it's totally worth it and the u-shaped glass walkway is very fun. I didn't need pictures; I did it for the experience.If want pictures of yourself on the skywalk you will have to pay additional for them. Don't listen to any negative reviews; best money you can spend outside of las vegas. Amazing. Don't miss going to guano point at the site as well; much better pictures than the south rim. The south rim is also great but a little boring compared to the west rim in my opinion. Don't forget that taking the mule ride down bright angel trail isn't free as well. Both are great to visit but I like the west rim better.
Hubby talked me into including this. So glad I did. Even though not scared really of heights, was a bit intimidating at first but quickly got over it and stood on the clear portion, and looked down without holding his hand. The bit of disorientation goes away pretty fast! View is amazing and so worthwhile to do. If one needs to, can sit on the opaque portion lol. It really is the same, but gives an extra sense of security.
A once in a lifetime chance for us to walk out over the canyon and look down. I don't like queuing up for stuff that takes long, but when we were there, the queue moved really quickly, and you didn't feel the time go while waiting. The walk itself doesn't take long at all, it isn't a big attraction that takes a long time, it's more about feeling it as you're walking over the glass bottom walkway and looking down at the canyon, and enjoying the thrill of it, don't expect anything more than the memory and ability to say you walked over grand canyon. If you're not into that kind of thing, then you'll be disappointed, I mean...what do you expect apart from that (right?). Our tour guide didn't do the walk, he took pics of us from the canyon while waiting for us instead of paying the overpriced official guys, and they're just as good, in fact probably better as they show us on the platform from a distance, and it looks pretty good, so get one of your party who doesn't want to go on it to wait at the side and take the pics for you!
Nickle and dimed for the whole time there. 40 bucks to get in. Another 35 for the skywalk. Another 30 for a picture of you on the skywalk. Whereas at the GC National Park, 25 bucks gets the whole car load in and it's good for a week. Beautiful natural vistas in both locations with more safety features, like guard rails at the National Park. I was very nervous without those. I'll go again to the National site but never again to the Reserve.
We booked a tour outside of the hotel on one of the walk ways between the MGM and New York New York to do the Grand Canyon West tour. It was a day trip which also included hoover dam, we saved a lot of money as booking outside of the hotels offers big discounts, probably saved about $70 each. We were told we'd have to purchase tickets for the skywalk once at the skywalk if we wanted to do it. It is expensive, I think it was about $25 each and you can't take anything out on the walk way with you, such as your backpack or your camera, you even have to put shoe covers on your shoes. The only thing I could take out with me was my sunglasses. They do have lockers to lock up all your belongings while out on the skywalk.There is a staff member on the skywalk that will take your photo with the view behind you which you can purchase after which I think was about $30 per photo. You can stand close to the skywalk and get pretty much the same photos. Its well worth seeing the Grand Canyon but wouldn't really matter if you didn't do the skywalk. If it is something you really want to do, I doubt you'd be disappointed, it is a great thing to do, its just the cost of everything that is a bit off putting.