parker canyon lake


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parker canyon lake


We drove the long way up through the mountians 20 miles on a dirt road that was under repair, It was cool to go up the switch backs climbing up into the clouds then back again. Once we got to the lake we put in the two kayaks and we paddle the whole lake and explore all the bays. There were a ton of fish and birds. The camp ground looked super. There was not much around but if you are into the great out doors this is the place. We had to leave that day so we took the paved road back to the hotel in Sierra Vista. We were looking for a place to use the Kayaks.


We chose Parker Canyon Lake for our first family camping trip in AZ. We're from WA state and had done a lot of hiking, but no camping since moving to Sierra Vista in 2012. We did one overnight in November of this year and it was amazing. Even though it is right on the other side of the Huachuca Mts from SV, we felt like we were isolated. The campground was empty when we arrived, so we got the best spot right out on the point, overlooking the lake with beautiful views all around. We set up camp and truly relaxed. We didn't come for the fishing, but we'll probably go back for some. We saw some catches that were mouth-watering. ;) It was quiet. We had some other campers set up right next door to us later in the evening, but they were quiet as well. We had a roaring fire and it was beautiful, all around. The only negative thing that happened while we were there was an over-zealous park ranger. He showed up while we were hanging out, came over to talk with us. We had not paid our fee yet, as we assumed we had until sundown to do so. He was very adamant (and threatened a hefty fine) that we pay immediately. It was only irritating because we had every intention of paying and he didn't really ask, just demanded and threatened with fines. Kind of a downer, but the man was just doing his job.


Because this lake is located in southern Arizona, I would give it five stars off the bat - simply because there are virtually no other options. However, the lack of amenities (there is one store on site that is open for limited hours and no restaurant), there is no cellular service, and the designated campsites have very little shade. The lake has good depth and there is fishing available, trails circumnavigate the 5-mile lake perimeter, and shade can be found everywhere but the campsites for a reprieve from the summer sun.This is ideal if you want seclusion and need a reminder there is water, even a lake, in Arizona, but don't let your expectations be too high. The only facilities available are a restroom by the campsites. Go to enjoy the primitive escape and you will have a blast.


Seriously Great Lake for day trips, great view. Nice and cool. At night is when they swarm you. The cockroaches that is. They come out in hordes. Good thing we were sleeping in the back of the truck because if we had a tent I would have packed up and left. Never camped anywhere there was a cockroach infestation. Other than that the sites are to close together, so unless you love to sit with your neighbors screaming children then I would say camp somewhere else.


This is a very nice place to relax. You can camp in there, they have all the facilities to make of your camping a comfortable experience.The lake is big enough to rent a boat and enjoy the view, you can even go fishing!!!Every Tuesday you can get a very good discount in the boat rent :))There are some trails, you can watch birds, walk and enjoy the nature.


We went here for a group hike as there's a 5 mile trail around the lake. A couple of spots on the trail were little precarious because of the loose gravel. It’s a well used trail, but sometimes it was confusing because it goes in a couple of directions at points (probably shortcuts when the water is low). This lake is at the end of AZ Hwy 83. There is a marina which sells a few basic food items (great ice cream), different types of boats to rent, benches, and comfort facility that has some odor problems. The elevation of Parker Canyon Lake is 5400’, so it’s a great place to get away from the heat of the desert.


Anyone familiar with this part of (south-central) AZ knows how rare it is to find water, much less a lake (albeit a man-made one). This recreation area is about 30 miles south of the small town of Sonoita, on narrow, twisty Hwy 83; parts of the road are nice & newly paved, other sections are very rough. The drive is beautiful. Parker Canyon is a big surprise out in the grassland / oak desert country: a pretty little lake in a bowl of hills, with a marina & small store (both of which are closed at least two days/week). Boating & fishing are big, tho there's no beach or swimming. There are two nice campgrounds on a grassy hill above the lake ~ one for RVs (no hookups tho) & one for tenters. And there's a great 5-mile loop trail around the lake & canyons. All in all a lovely, peaceful getaway ~ & with some elevation so usually cooler than surrounding areas.


We hiked around the lake and only saw a few people. It was quiet, pretty and filled with birds. The restrooms were awful tho.


The road to Parker Lake is rough, every time I have gone I have gotten a flat tire. You cannot swim in the water, but there are some small boats and you can fish. Don't go in the monsoon reason or you will get stuck. A few years ago we could not get out with a toy tire on the car and water running fast in the wash we were trapped, we were the last campers to leave. We could not get out of our tent to cook it rained so hard, so we ate junk food. Last time I will go there. I prefer Roosevelt Lake.


My family and I went fishing here 3 times when we visited my daughter in Sierra Vista which is less then an hour away. The first time we rented a boat and motored around the lake to find "the perfect fishing spot" according to my husband. He and the grandkids caught 3 fish between the, 1 trout, 1 sunfish, and 1 striped something or other. As you can tell I am not a fishing person. While they guys fished my two daughters and I leaned back and enjoyed the sunny day and watch the hawk go fishing. The second time we found out that the boat rentals are only open Friday-Sumday (at least in April, I'm not sure if they have more hours in the summer). So husband, son-in-laws, daughter, and grandkids fished off the fishing pier. Since we thought we'd be renting a boat we were totally unprepared and didn't bring any chairs. This wasn't a problem for my dedicated fishermen! They made do with upturned buckets, coolers, and the deck..I say comfortably on a bench under the tree and watched a family of ducks. That day they came back with 4 trouts. The last time we went we made sure it was a weekend and rented a boat. The fishermen, my husband, 2 son-in-laws, 2 grandkids and one daughter went off in the boat to find their perfect other daughter, girlfriend, and I spread out our lunch on one of the picnic tables under the shade for the store's front porch. It was great! My girlfriend and I babysat the dog, we had to keep her cool and hydrated, it was such a warm day. We snacked all day, even buying ice cream from the small store, and caught up on each others lives. My daughter decided to try and out do the dedicated fishermen and bought a rod and bait from the friendly man in the store so she could fish off the boat pier. The gentleman who ran the store and boat rental was so helpful that my daughter somehow persuaded him to go to the pier with her and bait her hook. She spent the day going back and forth from fishing on the pier to snacking on the picnic table. While she was snacking the man stayed down at the pier to fish for her. This time the fishermen returned with a total of 17 trout. There are fishing limits of 6 trout per adult and 3 per child. This is a great park for a nice day out with the family. It's clean and well maintained. Restrooms are primitive but ok. Plenty of parking and friendly people at the small tackle store. I'm sure we will return next time we are the area.


Good weather (pretty normal). Nice hike around the lake. Marina was closed. Be fun to rent a boat or kayak some day


Parker Canyon Lake [ ]is located within boundaries of the Coronado National Forest, in the Canelo Hills just east of the Huachuca Mountains, at an elevation of 5,400 feet. The paved drive between Sonoita, Arizona and the Lake is very scenic. We have camped out a couple of times during the spring, at the Lakeview campground [ ], located on a hill overlooking the Lake, among oaks and junipers. Each campsite has a picnic table and a grill for campfires, and there is a short walk to the lakeshore, and a short drive to the boat launch ramp, fishing pier and the store [ ], which also offers boat rentals and fishing licenses. Just note that the store is open only on the weekends, except during the summer, and the closest towns are Sonoita [30 miles] and Sierra Vista, through Fort Huachuca [28 miles]. But if you're there in the middle of the week, you can call the store and make arrangements for a boat rental, since the boat handler lives in the area. We like hiking and history, and really enjoyed visiting the nearby Sunnyside ghost town and its cemetery [ ], located about 4 miles east from the Lake.


Hiking around the lake is great in almost any season. Wouldn't want to be there during Mosoon or snow. The lake is a popular site for fishing, so we carry small trashbags with us to pick up trash that some anglers left behind. The trail is not totally flat, but not strenous either. A great hike.


This is a great find, water in southern AZ. A nice hiking trail 5 miles around the lake. If you're adventurous you can hike there from the AZ Trail (turn onto Canelo Pass Rd between mile posts 14 and 15, drive 3.5 miles, VERY WELL MARKED and easy to find trail heads, one of which goes to the lake. the Trail is beautiful both ways, a little steep on horseback though. The Lake is beautiful in all seasons. Right down the street from a wonderful B & B too.


Hey water we can actually get in... or kayak on. It's alright, and a bit small, but is great in the desert heat.

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