luecke's antique mall


地址: 暂无

开放时间: 暂无

luecke's antique mall



Hi .They now have one of those electric chairs to take you up if you can't do the stairs. Just wanted folks to b aware of this. It is a Very big place with tons to offer. The staff is always so sweet and friendly.


It is an old antique store. You need to go up to the second and third floor so if you can't do stairs you are out of luck. It is an old apartment building that you go room to room to room to room. If you can't find it here you can't find it anywhere. Mostly small stuff. Collection items. No real furniture. Some art. I think it has a large flee market feel. Prices are very good. There are some vendors that have some nice items. If you are looking for high quality antiques you might find it but you will have to really look. If you are looking for a piece for a collection you will find it if you look hard enough. Stop by. If it is not your cup of tea you can turn around and leave but if it is what you like you will be there for a good hour.

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