brown's oakridge zoo


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brown's oakridge zoo



I was visiting a friend in the area when I found out about this small zoo. We didn't get to go that day because it was 15 minutes until closing time. So we headed here right away this year during our visit! We were pleased by the animals we saw, and did get to bottle feed the lion cub! The woman who escorted us was plain spoken and nice. She answered all our questions and was nice to us. We were two adult women, so after her tour, she left us alone to look around and take photos. I was dismayed to read some of the reviews of this place by other persons who have been there. Perhaps some folks are from cities where they visit zoos which are generously funded and can afford better habitat. Personally I respect these folks who have rescued these little guys and are caring for them well!! And these folks are active in community education as well - a good thing! Some guests's children do NOT behave - I am a retired teacher and I know first hand that no means no!! I think some people are being too hard. I'd visit again!


There were four of us that made the trip from Peoria to Smithfield, Illinois today and we had a wonderful time. These are rescued animals who have been removed from abusive and neglectful environments and given food, attention, lots of good care and love. It's not perfect but no place is that deals with animals. Even their natural habitats aren't perfect. Abuse happens all the time and anyone who is trying to make things better deserves a huge pat on the back. And for you naysayers, what were you expecting for your $6.00? And if you had looked at the website it would have told you what animals are available for upclose contact.


i expected this zoo to be a place with lots of baby animals and get to choose which cub to hold and feed. the tour was terrible and the tour guide was not friendly at all. if this place is supposed to be a zoo, they should have more to offer!! it's just a small farm with wild animals that deserve more respect than what they are getting. I love all animals but this is the one place I will NOT be returning!!!


This isn't a zoo. While I feel they are probably doing the best they can with the limited resources they have, a place like this should not exist. The older lady that gives the "tours" is rude (as was the younger one), the animals seem depressed, and the conditions are horrible. It's honestly difficult to explain. The image of Calvin peeing on the PETA logo at the entrance to the "bird house" does a more perfect job of setting the tone then I could possibly put into words.They say that they have the same license as any other zoo and receive regular inspections. Assuming that's true, the regulations need to be updated. Stay away.


As stated in the other honest reviews I should have read before making the trip, down right disgusting excuse for a "petting zoo". The property these poor animals are on, wouldn't even cover the natural habitat for one. The cages are far too terribly small for these majestic animals. My family and I thoroughly love visiting zoos all across the country, so no, we aren't anti-zoo of any sort. We do however recognize cruelty, exploitation and disgusting animal abuse and neglect when we see it. The cleverly cropped pictures on their website might as well be a scam. If I were to post the pictures we took, they would be shut down immediately. Do not waste your time and money to help these poor excuses for "zookeepers" make another dime off of endangered animals they are hoarding and grossly neglecting. If it tells you anything, take a good look at their "five star reviews". It's pretty sick and sad when the pitiful, rude and disrespectful owners have to leave the good reviews, themselves, acting like they're the happy visitors because they have none to begin with. Might as well have been the first puppy mill for endangered animals my family has ever had the horrific time of seeing. And to think they checked the same box I'm about to, stating that I have no personal relationship to the business - All to make another buck off abusing and neglecting their hoarded endangered animals. Don't believe me, ask my horrified children that begged to leave. Sick and unreal.


While it is exciting to be able to handle baby tigers, the condition these animals live in is horrid, small cages that they exist in I won't say they live in because that is no life. And really to pay $5 to take a picture with YOUR OWN camera, that is per picture with YOUR OWN camera. And the bathroom is an outhouse.


This "zoo" is completely sickening! The animals look suicidal and are kept in very poor conditions. The owners are very rude and came off very racist to a group of foreigners who were taking a tour and even went as far as telling them to speak English and stop speaking their "gibberish". The whole trip was depressing. We don't recommend anyone wasting their time on such a disgusting place.


First and foremost, this IS NOT a zoo. This is someone's terrible attempt to save animals and make money in the process. This "zoo" is actually someone's property, with their delapidated house in the middle of the mess of nonstop back to back cages that are entirely too small.There are full grown tigers, head to toe in matted mud covered hair, in a cage the size of a small dog run. They can not walk past three feet before having to turn around and walk the other way. Back and forth, that is all they have all day. None of the water bowls were filled while the poor animals kept walking up to hit them, hoping the owners would fill them. The head speaker stated on her "tour" that they have to hose down the tigers every thirty minutes in order to properly take care of them. Odd thing was, we were there two hours, and only watched her do it for less than 30 seconds on just one tiger to demonstrate on the tour. What looked as though it may have started with good intentions, has resulted in yet another terrible "zoo" mistreating many animals just to make money. The head "leader" was rude, hateful, and spouted incorrect facts to the small audience the entire "tour" of their terribly maintained property. Hopefully, someone sees what we had the unfortunate time of seeing, and places these poor animals in proper habitats so they can actually enjoy what lives they have left before the leader does as she states and "keeps" them all. Very very sad.


It is like a zoo on a farm. You get a full tour so you get to know about each animal a little better. It is a family owned zoo so certain aspects come with that, but all and all, I would definitely recommend it.


I'm not an expert on the right or wrong way to house wild animals, so I won't get into that. What I will say is, my overall opinion of the property itself was "craphole". The property is overtaken with weeds and just everyday crap. It blew my mind that they would allow the public to see the place in that kind of condition. The older lady had the personality if a rabid badger, and the younger one wasn't much better. They gave off a "just give us your money and leave" vibe. They definitely made us feel like customers were a burden to them. The only thing that made me give a two star rating instead of one is my two year old and four year got to feed and pet a tiger cub and that was freaking cool, no matter what I thought of the rest of the visit. Bottom line is, if you want to donate to this place, I'd start without a couple of string trimmers and a 55 gallon drum of round-up. Also, maybe somebody to go in and teach them some people skills.


I took both my teenager and toddler here last week. It was great! I don't know if the term "zoo" is appropriate, because it seemed like many of the animals have been rescued from places that can't take care of them. My kids and I loved it! It was very hand on and educational. I have told many of my friends about it!


It is rare to have such an experience in the average zoo. Usually large corporations or government simply run them for 'educational' purposes. Rarely does one get to connect to the animals.The Brown Oakridge Zoo is completely different. A family has given their time, space, and energy to give animals a space to live in nature. Unlike zoo's that are within a city or city limit, thus exposed to the hectic, noisy, and polluted environment of the city, Brown Oakridge Zoo allows them their connection with nature.The staff, as already mentioned, was the family. The zoo itself is by appointment only during the weekday and the that is the key to the experience. You will be given a tour by the family and given the animal background as well as the individual animals history in regard to it being there. The family has provided the animals with a peaceful and save refuge, which ironically not many zoos can provide.If you do go and visit during a certain time, you might have the unique experience of meeting one of their babies. We had the pleasure of meeting Bogdan who was at 5 weeks old already a heartbreaker that you could not resist. We were given the chance to simply sit with him, pet him, and upon his demand: feed him his bottle. Trust us, you don't say no to his demands. His cuteness demanded it. It simply was amazing to interact with animals that are unfortunately still on the endangered species list. Though it might not look like it, the zoo can be highly educational for all ages by giving you an experience very few locations can provide. To us it was another lesson for us appreciating the unique wildlife that should be preserved and cherish. As a last thought and wish, when you visit, please be respectful to the animals and do not expect them to perform silly tricks. They are there to enjoy life just as much as you do.


If you’re looking for an experience that you children will always remember then Brown's Oakridge Zoo in Smithfield IL, should be at the top of your list. Brown's Oakridge Zoo is the only privately owned ZOO in the State of Illinois. Visit their Website .Don't show up expecting to see the normal everyday Zoo. This Zoo gets personal, literally, you will get personal with the Zoo animals!! They have 2 white Siberian Tigers, the only ones in the state of Illinois. This place is so personal, you can actually sit in Nancy & Ivan Brown's front lawn and feed, hold, & pet the baby Tigers, Lions, Leopards, Black Bear, & other cubs that happen to be living in their yard. Just DO NOT scratch or rough house with them, or they'll be whisked away back to the house. Nobody wants to be around a 750lb Siberian Tiger who likes play rough with people! The Zoo is located about 1 hour west of Peoria IL, or 30 minutes east of Macomb IL, home of WIU, & 30 minutes west of Canton IL. It is in the middle of nowhere, but that is part of the experience. Absolutely worth the drive. The zoo is extremely affordable, $5 for adults, less for kid’s udder 12. & $20 for unlimited photos per camera with the cubs!! This is an experience that any child (or adult) will remember for years. No where else would you get to spend such quality time with such adorable cubs.

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