tillich park


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tillich park


It's just a walk. Enjoy it for what it is. Read ahead to know why it's there. Find out who Tillich was.


As someone somewhat familiar with the work of Paul Tillich, I found this place to be peaceful and so appropriate as his final resting place. Had I not known who Tillich was, I would have found it difficult to appreciate this place.


A small park set aside with a meandering walk to allow for prayer and reflection.


This "park" consists of a lovely grove of Norwegian spruce trees, with a chip trail though it. Also you'll find some massive boulders with sayings from the writings of 20th century theologian Paul Tillich chiseled into them. There is a bust of Tillich looking out toward the lake, and his ashes are buried there.Many tables in the Red Geranium restaurant look out onto the "park," making the restaurant a pleasant, relaxing place. It's also only across one tiny street from the Roofless Church and a small memorial to Thomas Merton, adding to the interest for those of a theological bent. While I'm on that particular roll, let me add that Our Lord's Wood is to the northeast of the Inn, also on these same grounds.I find the park serene and a walk-through each time I go to New Harmony.

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