lincoln highway experience


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开放时间: 暂无

lincoln highway experience

Visitors to our museum, found in a 198 year old home, will see a film on...


Lots of fun. A little museum with a great movie about the area. Wonderful value for $5. The gift shop had many options. Really like all the local artists having their items available.


The Lincoln Highway did indeed change our driving habits. The kitschy architecture and curvy roads appealed to many during its 1913 to 1939 heyday. And today many are re-discovering it. Our museum is about that highway - the Lincoln Highway. Although the Lincoln Highway and Route 30 are sometimes one and the same, they are not always. To follow the original Lincoln Highway alignments one often needs to turn off Route 30 and travel through the many small towns which dot western Pennsylvania. In addition to the driving guide, which retails for $2.50, one also gets a postcard as part of one's $5 admission - and postage. We tell folks to allow for 45 minutes in order to have time to view the award winning film and peruse all the exhibits.


This seemed like the perfect place to stop at on Day 1 of our trip. Lots of pictures and memorabilia of the old (and current) Lincoln Highway. There is a short film that is very descriptive and well worth viewing. As part of the admission ou receive a driving guide for much of the PA section. The person in-charge (owner?) was very knowledgeable and helpful. Well worth a stop

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