chalky white, professional ski instructor


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chalky white, professional ski instructor



If you are looking to improve your skiing more than you ever thought possible, take a lesson with Chalky White! I read his book, The Seven Secrets of Skiing and instantly improved my skiing following some of his teachings. Then, I was lucky enough to be able to take a lesson with Chalky. Wow, did I learn a lot! Chalky gets you in balance so your legs don't fatigue and you feel in control of your skis like you never have before. With his instruction, I skied an entire day and my legs weren't tired! Chalky is not only a very positive and compassionate person (understands that some of us have fear and trepidation when looking down from the top of a black run), he is fun to be with and has a great sense of humor. Taking a lesson with Chalky has given me a confidence in my skiing that I never thought possible. I know I can get even better following his methods too. To get the most out of your lesson, read his book (mentioned above) before your lesson. If you love to ski and want to improve, head over to the Beaver Creek Ski School and take a lesson with Chalky.


Having visited beautiful ski resorts while traveling throughout the world for business, I seized the opportunity whenever possible to learn to ski. While the opportunities existed, as a novice, it was truly too long between lessons on the slopes; what I learned at the hands of the talented instructors was quickly lost and my level of ability plateaued. That was when a friend suggested I read "The 7 Secrets of Skiing" by Chalky White. Within the first few pages of the book I was able to relate to Chalky's challenges both on and off the slopes as he tenaciously approached mastering the true art of skiing. His system is proven! When faced with a huge project in the business world we ask ourselves how one would eat an elephant...the answer is always "one bite at a time". That's the approach taken by Chalky as he has defined the secrets to success in skiing, outlined the order of the steps to unlock them, and introduced the reader to the power of balance. The author's style of writing makes the book come alive for the reader. Was I truly going to improve my skiing ability from a book? Well...I did! My next trip to the slopes was marked by noticeable improvement; as a result my confidence level went up. The steps work, the book has become my guide and I continue to consume the bite or should I say, one ski secret at a time. Read this book despite your current will make you a true believer!


Chalky is an instrucor's instructor, actually we view him as more of a ski coach and trainer than just a ski teacher. We have skied with Chalky for about 10 years now. Though I am now 54 and have been skiing since I was 3 I find that Chalky's methods and coaching hve changed me into a more competant and capable skier. I would suggest bthat you read his book "The 7 Secrets of Skiing in Balance" before you ski with Chalky - the $25 for the book will save you the thousands we have spent on getting his sage advice over the years! The n your lesson with Chalky will get you very far.We hope to ski with him for years to come and get even better!


Chalky is a longtime ski instructor at Beaver Creek. He is Australian and has a delightful sense of humor and a wonderful personality. If you're lucky, he might even break out into song for you! He is very knowledgeable about skiing and has written articles on the subject. Highly recommend him for an instructor on your trip out here.


Ski instruction was excellent and groups were small and each person valued and worked with. We had two instructors Ron and Ernest both excellent. Highly organised and efficient service


Minha filha fez aula de ski e ela adorou o atendimento,o pessoal muito bem capacitado,muito bem treinado,recomendamos com certeza.Muito bom!!!!!

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