sarah orne jewett house


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sarah orne jewett house

Writer Sarah Orne Jewett, author of THE COUNTRY OF THE POINTED FIRS, spent...


The house is in a great location as there are a few good restaurants that you can eat in after the interesting tour. You will learn a lot about Sarah Orne Jewett. Sometimes they also have talks on herbs and flowers which are quite interesting. The garden outside is small, but it is delightful. Our book club went as a group after reading one of her books which made the tour really good.


Another 18th century Georgian style home located in South Berwick, ME, a few miles from Hamilton House. Smaller, less elegantly furnished, and set in the middle of a small town with attendant noise and distraction, the Sarah Orne Jewett House is particularly for those who are familiar with her standing as a leading female author of the later 19th century, who had a coterie of acquaintances/friendships with the leading male/female New England authors and intellectuals of the day (Emerson, Wharton, H. James, Longfellow, etc.). The house is a bit cramped for touring and is mainly populated by heavy Victorian era furnishings, although there are a few high end federal pieces. The docent giving the tour for Historic New England, which this property is owned by, gave a very good presentation. The tour ends in Jewett's bedroom, which has been maintained in the exact state it was when she died in 1909 - interesting for the historic character and taste, but a bit creepy. There is some garden landscaping around the property, but relatively minimal. Overall, when compared with nearby Hamilton House, this property comes in a distant second in appeal.


Sarah Orne Jewett is an interesting character and learning about her is part of the charm of the tour.The house has a small "pocket" garden that is pretty to walk through.Fans of William Morris/arts and crafts movement will enjoy one of his designs in the home. It's not a grand house filled with fine furnishings but is a good example of the period for an upper middle class home.Hamilton House is a short drive from the Jewett House (also a Historic New England property) and both can easily be see on the same day. Please note that hours are seasonal. There is a small art gallery on the property with rotating exhibits.Local residents who enjoy historic houses should consider membership in Historic New England, which owns and operates this property along with 35 others in the region. Members have unlimited free admission to all the properties as well as free or reduced admission to special events (events include live music, art workshops, lectures, etc. and there are many throughout the year). Just a few visits/events cover the cost of membership.


Sarah Orne Jewett was a literary success in her day and her house was kept in great shape with original furnishings. Guided tour is excellent covering both the house, furnishings and her personal story. There is a very fine period garden worth a look and a new gallery at the visitor center that had a good contemporary art show at our visit.


I didn't know anything about this Historic Home. I was so absolutely enchanted after taking the tour, I have to confess, this has opened new vistas in my life and understanding about New England and especially Maine. Sara O. Jewett is one of New England's most charming writers. I am currently reading one of her classic Maine Novels which highlights the characters and fascination of Maine. I feel like I've just discovered a Lady Mark Twain and visiting her home and learning about her attitude and life that made such a difference to Maine and American History has been nothing less than thrilling and mesmerizing. I am inspired to read more and learn more about this creative and industrious woman and her life at this beautiful Georgian style mansion. The tour is very inexpensive and if you have any inquisitiveness about life in Maine and/or New England, this is a wonderful stop that will give you real insights into the history of Maine and Maine character!


I enjoyed seeing this house as the home of a Maine writer. She wrote idyllic stories about Maine, so it was interesting to see her environment. Not an extraordinary house, but enjoyable visit.


We visited the Sarah Orne Jewett House in South Berwick, ME, on a Saturday afternoon in July. There is an admission fee of $4/person, and visitors are given a guided tour of all the rooms in the house, explaining the history of the house and of Jewett's family and giving some insight into her social life and work. The house is interesting as the place where Sarah Orne Jewett grew up and returned to live for most of her adult life. It was built in the late 1700's by a ship owner and includes unusually intricate interior woodwork. The disappointment with the house, as with other properties owned by Historic New England (formerly, SPINEA) that we have visited, is that nothing has been done to restore the house to its condition as Jewett knew it. From what we could tell, the idea seems to be to "preserve" but not to "restore" old houses like this that have been donated to the society. While the policy may be the result of a lack of funds, it is sad to see a house with such a history allowed to fall into this condition.


My wife and I are fans of colonial/federal architecture and this gem is in the middle of S Berwick. It is furnished with period pieces and since it is off the beaten path the tour was just we two with the tour guide. It was very informative and worth the trip as part of Historic Homes of New England


I really like Sarah Orne Jewett's novels, but I don't think you need to have read one word she wrote in order to enjoy the house. Anyone with an interest in historic homes, art, gardens, antiques, medicine (or the history of it), or architecture would like the Sarah Orne Jewett House. This family home dates back to 1774, which is interesting in and of itself, but the Jewett family's alterations and additions to the decor make for a mini history of house-decorating during the nineteenth century. Sarah Orne Jewett's father was a doctor, and the house features elements of his profession, The home is full of antiques, books, and rare wallpapers. The garden is a must-see as well. It features many New England plants, especially those used by women for medicinal purposes over the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Many of the plants are featured in Jewett's classic novel The Country of the Pointed Firs. But even if you have not read that, you'll enjoy learning about the plants as you walk about the yard.In addition to fans of Jewett, I recommend the Sarah Orne Jewett House to friends visiting Maine who want to get a sense of some of New England's history in a short period of time.


After reading The Country of the Pointed Firs I was eager to visit Jewett's house in South Berwick, ME. It was extremely easy to find the house: it is on the main intersection. I parked on the street just beside the garden. As it was a Wednesday, I was there on the wrong day of the week to see the inside of the house, which is open Fri., Sat., and Sun. from June 1 through October 15. The adjacent library was open: this is the town's public library, in a building of similar vintage as the Jewett house. Bibliophile that I am, I came away with a used book from their sale table...Any disappointment over missing the chance to see the interior was washed away by my delight in touring the garden. Outside the back door, two garden beds have been planted with herbs and flowers mentioned in "Pointed Firs." Now I know what elecampagne looks like! There are laminated guide sheets near the back door, explaining the herbs and flowers, and in particular giving details on the roses on the property. The other section of the garden, in a lot behind the house, was laid out with annuals and perennials. It wasn't as hot that week (June 19-22) as it has been since; in fact, every person I conversed with concerning gardens in Maine and New Hampshire was still commenting on the overdose of rain they had this past spring. Because of the self-guiding opportunity provided by the staff of the Jewett house, my brief stop in South Berwick was a happy one. If you like heirloom roses, heritage herbs, and old-fashioned gardens, be sure to stop at this lovely home during your trip to Southern Maine.More information at:

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