glendive dinosaur & fossil museum


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glendive dinosaur & fossil museum



Creationist trying to shove lies down the throats of young children and ignorant adults. Scientific proof we evolved and no, jesus or any other human was not around when T-Rex was around then. This place is based on more made up Christian lies. To those that are sheep and need to be led by a false Shepard then this is for you, the ignorant.


We planned to stop at the dinosaur museum for an hour but spent 2 1/2 hours and could have been there longer. The museum has genuine fossils, but most of them are well made replicas. They have an interesting room with old Bibles and scrolls that are hundreds of years old. Even if you are not a religious person, the books have an amazing historic value. There are videos that play throughout the day which are very interesting. The gift shop is great. Don't let the fact that is Biblicaly based stop you from going.


We surprisingly spent 3 hours touring the museum looking at everything from dinosaur replicas to reading about rock and canyon formations to watching a short film on the uniqueness of animals. It was a good approach to showcase the role God played in creating our world as we know it. Leaving there we all now question what was taught to us in school and how long the earth has truly been around. Good trip - a nice way to spend a rainy afternoon!


I have never seen dioramas, exhibits and artful displays of this caliber other than in large cities. It is unashamedly creationist in view point, but the customer is amply warned before paying. I was fascinated by the detail of the displays and the knowledgable docents that were there when we were. They actually present a good case for intelligent design Would greatly recommend a visit regardless of your personal view point on dinosaurs. Fun for kids


This was a great museum! They really know their stuff! It's the best smaller town museum I've been to! They have very interesting displays and a very informed staff to answer any questions you might have.


It's a religious based dinosaur museum, the volunteers followed us around, watching us. All the pieces are casts, no real things.


The three year old was awe struck. The museum was set up well. The history and descriptions were explained in detail and easy to understand.


We had no advanced knowledge about this museum. Before we paid the fee, we were told that the descriptions of reptiles would include support for a creationist interpretation and that all fossils were on Earth at the time of Noah and were preserved as a result of the flood. We believe life on Earth evolved over millions of years.Yet, we still paid the modest fee and are delighted we did. No where else have we seen such carefully and realistically displayed dinosaurs and fossils. Every creature included a description and documentation as to where originally found. We passed over any added data that did not jive with our beliefs. The volunteers were friendly, knowledgeable and helpful. We highly recommend his museum, regardless of your basic beliefs.


CREATIONIST-BASED (i.e. INTELLIGENT DESIGN) DINOSAUR MUSEUM. I did not know this when I took my 9-year-old daughter to Makoshika. Not being religious person, I steeled myself to be able to be open to the creationist perspectives on paleontology, which allowed me to be able to appreciate their impressive fossils and displays. There are actual fossils that have been locally discovered and the staff were very kind and helpful. HOWEVER, be warned about the religiosity of their volunteers and staff who will be willing to discuss mainstream paleontology, but only to be able to "teach" about a Christian-based intelligent design theory in which the stories of Genesis and other chapters from the bible are displayed and taught as fact. I would recommend talking with kids about the debate between evolution and creationism to help kids learn HOW to think rather than WHAT to think. They offer a decent gift shop with affordable prices on souvenirs, also. All in all, I would go again for the impressive fossil collection, but for my daughter's sake, I would go armed with some mainstream paleontology facts to balance the religious-based stories.


They have numerous large, medium and small specimens, all displayed in colorful life-like exhibits accompanied by excellent research documents. Plus a well-stocked library and some films. All on two stories. Plan a few hours to take it all in! Quite impressive. If you walk through with an open mind and leave preconceptions at the door, you might actually enjoy this and begin to see why evolution is more like religion than science.


I was at the museum in 2008 with my daughter. I was there to interview Otis Kline who was the director at that time. In addition to reviewing the museum, Otis took us up into the mountains and showed us numerous pieces of evidence the world-wide Flood model. For example, he pointed out areas where there is obvious cross bedding of layers which indicate that these layers were deposited rapidly while the material was soft. Secondly, while excavating a dinosaur bone, Otis showed us plant roots growing into the dinosaur bone. This is excellent evidence that the non-fossilized bone is thousands of years old, not 65+ million years old. It is frustrating that some reviewers of the museum are so ideological they refuse to follow the evidence to where it leads. Instead they focus on ad hominem arguments. The following is an amazing example of how evolutionary ideology warps the evidence to fit their view:Have you heard of dinosaur soft tissue? Do a search for “Mary Schweitzer soft tissues”. The mainstream media confirms the story of dinosaur soft tissue but simply reinterprets the data to fit the old Earth view. Dr. Schweitzer claims that the dinosaur soft tissue evidence means we don't understand the fossilization process. Hold it. What about the most obvious reason for dinosaur soft tissue – it is not millions of years old! Soft tissues, blood and blood vessels decay rapidly. Over the years since the discovery many scientists simply refused believe the evidence was not from contamination because they knew soft tissue cannot last 65+ million years. Why don’t the establishment scientists consider possibilities outside of supporting evolution? Science is supposed to question, it is supposed to be skeptical. It should not assume evolution is true – especially since there is abundant evidence to the contrary. If you are open to examining evidence and following the evidence to where it leads then go to the Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum. It is fun, educational and the staff love to answer questions. If you are ideologically committed to evolution and long ages, then you are missing out. I would like to encourage you to open your eyes to the real evidence. A trip to the Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum is a good place to start.


Don't go... Don't vote for this ignorance, and if you go, you are buying into and paying for more lies.


This museum is anything but your typical museum. My younger children and older children enjoyed it, as much as I did. The exhibits are very well displayed but you get the feeling of being back in time with the way the exhibits are set up with dinosaurs towering overhead and under foot. There are hands on exhibits for the children and adults. The best part for me was leaving the museum with a clearer understanding of myself, life, dinosaurs and our planet. This is truly a gem for the town of Glendive. Don't miss out!


Extremely beautiful layouts – topnotch all the way. They have some of the best exhibits of any museum in the entire county, but better yet they successfully challenge some the assumptions that we as a society hold dear. It wasn’t until after hearing other opinions that I became aware of the weaknesses in what I had been taught. Take in the awe-inspiring exhibits or challenge your thinking. Either way, it is well worth the trip to beautiful eastern Montana.


As a kid I loved dinosaurs and it blew my mind that anything could be that old. I did well in school and was always at the top of my class. I loved science and wanted to be an archaeologist. One day I discovered a website displaying an 1854 petrified hat. How could this be, it takes millions of years to do that. I began to look realistically at some of the science presented as fact as a child. I went on 9 archaeological digs searching for answers and wound up in Glendive, Montana digging up dinosaurs and the truth. This museum brings facts to light. A lifetime of searching for the truth (I'm 55 now) and studying has lead me to the conclusion that my early life science education was the real brain washing. This museum lays it out like it is and you can go on digs too !! If you have never looked objectively at the facts, you may be in for a shock. And by the way - ignoring the museum placards is not objective thinking !!Blessings,Charles Michael Lassiter

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