kintla lake


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kintla lake


We went here because we were told by the ranger that this is a place not to busy from tourist so we will be able to see wild animals, not true, we didn't have any luck. The roasts car braking and takes you 1 hour to do 14 miles once you enter again in the glacier park. The lake is cool ,my son got in the water,cold but he enjoyed it, the trail is very easy and nice a lot of vegetation but we didn't see animal, but we were told for the campers in the campground that a bear was in the campground the night before, so was not mean to us to see it.


The road to Kintla is not for the faint of heart; 38 miles of single track dirt road. Once you get there the campground is very small, so be prepared for competition. Oh, and let's not forget to mention the mosquitoes there are MILLIONS of them. All that said, it is paddlers paradise. The lake is crystal clear even if it is ice cold. However, dogs are NOT welcome. Apparently "backcountry" starts at the waters edge which means they can't even wade into the water on a leash. So if you are planning on going and you enjoy the park system with your dog, scratch this campground off your list.


This 20 plus dirve is a challenge. The road is often one lane of very uneven gravel and dirt. The scenery on the way is breathtaking. saw lots of wildlife and a wide variety of terrain on the way. the lake itself is very isolated and the campground there very primitive and small. Worth the trip if you have the extra time.


While Kitla Lake is pretty far out into the back country of Glacier National Park, it is well worth the effort. You really feel like you are out in the wild there. It is a pretty rough road, but we made it just fine in a normal rental car. We went to Kintla on Labor Day, so it was very nice to get away from all the crowds in the rest of Glacier NP. We only saw a few other people all day out at Kintla. If you want to get away from the crowds in Glacier and have a nice peaceful day, this is the place to go!


Kintla Lake is a drive into the back country. The camping around the lake is very crowded during the season. Expect to be right on top of the next tent. There is boating on the lake, canoe and kayaking. Be aware that if there is a strong wind on the lake it is hard to get back to the campground. The scenery is beautiful. The area is crowded with campers in June and July...there is hiking trail to the far campsite, be sure to take Bear Spray, this is the back woods.


I had for years dreamed of going to Glacier national Park with my son. My initial research indicated that we could camp at the base of Kintla Lake (accessible by car) then canoe to the backcountry site at the head of the lake. We wanted to then continue from there, backpacking to backcountry sites on upper Kintla Lake. Because the campgrounds and backcountry permits are a first-come basis we weren't able to camp at the foot of Kintla (full) so we made our base at Bowman. This proved to be beneficial because the (IMHO) the campground at Bowman is one of the nicest in the park. After making our Bowman base camp we hauled our canoe up to Kintla and launched for a 5 mile trip to the upper Kintla backcountry site. This proved to be the highlight of our trip to Glacier. Upon launching and heading into deeper water we both had a feeling of vertigo because the water is soooo clear that you see the bottom passing below you even when it's 60' deep. We felt like we were flying! Then as the water gets deeper it magically turns to a turquoise, then emerald, and finally a sapphire color. The whole time we were on the lake we felt like the only humans around - the silence ROARED! We made camp at the head of the lake and eventually several backpackers filtered in to fill up the site. Had a nice evening socializing, a good sleep and then took the canoe over to the headwaters for a try at fishing the trout that we'd seen jumping - no bites, but the view of the mist rising off the lake and the mountain peaks pink in the sunlight with elk bugles echoing...what more can you ask for? If you can get here - try to bring a canoe or kayak. It really is the best way to experience this place!


Hidden up as the last lake it is a bit more of a journey. Small campgrounds and a picnic area. Very quite and you can drop a canoe in here. This place is misquito heaven so be prepared.... the mountain view are stunning.


Way off the beaten path and well worth the drive to get there. The campsite at the head of the lake is very nice, but the one just up the trail another mile at upper Kintla is especially nice!


Great all day excursion in a lesser traveled area. We had rented an SUV for the week so we felt safe traveling the Inside North Fork Road. We were SO glad we took this route to the lakes. It was beautiful going up and down and around the mountains. There was little traffic on the small dirt road. The books say it's a really rough road. We found that the roads to Bowman Lake and Kintla Lake were MUCH worse. We returned back to West Glacier via the Outside North Fork Road. That was the best plan b/c we were tired at that point and did not want all the jarring from the rough roads. We had mull deer and her fawn cross the road on the trip up. Bowman Lake was beautiful and so clear. We had a great picnic lunch. Kintla Lake was our favorite. So tranquil and there is a cool bridge that crossed the creek. A MUST is a stop at the Polebridge Merchantile store after you get to the end of the Inside N. Fork Rd (or from the Outside NFR) and before you head to the lakes. They have homemade goodies. Could not pass up a few cookies for our picnic as well as pastries for the next morning. They were huge!!! On the road back it was sad to see all the dead trees from the fires but that is Mother Nature doing her job. Stopped at the North Fork Flathead River for some pics and the wind was howling through the dead trees so strong it sounded like geese squawking. Again, crystal clear water. We were really glad we planned this day during our trip on the west side. Not sure how some of the cars made it on the rough roads.


Enjoyed the slow bumpy trip from Polebridge to Kintla. Camped overnight, launched our canoe and headed for the upper end of lake - destination Upper Kintla Lake. Took Boulder Pass at Ranger Station on upper end of Kintla. Hiked about 3 miles to Upper Kintla. Beautiful remote lake! While returning to our canoe we were almost over-run by two bears running up the trail at us. Several "Hay bears" caught their attention as they ran toward us. The chasing bear ran off the trail up over the hill. The "chased" bear continued on the trail toward us and finally, a couple more "Hay bears" left the trail and went around us about 200 feet away. PS - Take your bear spray! Early the next morning we left the camp site and a wolf crossed the road in front of us. A great area!


If you are looking for a place that is calm and peaceful- this is the place. It's a nice place to relax. I would love to come back over and over again. It's a slow drive to the lake due to road conditions but well worth it! A rustic bridge for fishing and great views. I traveled from Yellowstone to Glacier and this was my favorite place. Enjoy! I wished a planned a few nights of camping!


Plan on a long slow drive to this secluded lake but it without a doubt a true gem. Rustic and preserved this is one of the most underlooked areas of Glacier.


Die Fahrt zu diesem See ist sehr lang und geht über eine Schotterpiste für knapp eine Stunde, aber die Fahrt lohnt sich. Wir sind am See nicht gewandert aber allein schwimmen ist grandios. Man hätte grad seine Camping Ausrüstung mitnehmen sollen und dort kämpen. Lohnt sich


Etwa eine Stunde fährt man mit dem Auto -SUVempfohlen- über eine unwegsame Strasse von der Rangerstation in Polebridge bis zum Kintla Lake. Der See liegt eingebettet in eine traumhafte Bergwelt und ist Ausgangspunkt für Backpackertouren ins Backcountry. Die Bärendichte ist jedoch zu beachten und deshalb werden bisweilen Campingplätze gesperrt (wie im August 2013).Am Ende der Strasse befindet sich ein Campingplatz am See mit relativ wenigen Stellplätzen und einer einfachen WC-Anlage. Fliessend Wasser gibt es nicht. Der Ausflug lohnt auf alle Fälle.

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