lake mcdonald


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lake mcdonald

Large recreational lake in Glacier National Park.




This is a fairly large lake on the West side of Glacier National Park. There is a beautiful lodge about 12 miles North of Apgar which is called Lake McDonald Lodge and is a fabulous old lodge built with enormous logs. Behind the lodge is a boot dock and they provide guided tours every hour or so around the lake for about $15.


Loved the isolation of the lake when we were and being surrounded by mountains. It is a fairly large leg and you can get some easy exercise.


so calm and quiet, a beautiful place to spend an afternoon whether you're on the shore or in a kayak


Camped in Fish Creek and had a site on the lake. Fished it with my son but didn't catch anything. I would just chalk that up as inexperienced in that area. Beautiful mountain views and really enjoyed our stay.


Bring your camera.. beautiful back drop of snow capped mountains with Lake McDonalds clear lake in the foreground. Nice camping on the left side of the lake. We had a nice picnic and skipping rock contest. Perfect day.


lodge, & Hotel on the lake, incredible views. Shuttle buses, stop here to pickup passengers to continue with their journey on to the Road to the Sun


good pictures and time to observe the scenery.few parking places wife and I really enjoyed the lake and its view.


This will be the first lake you will see as you enter Glacier National Park on the West side. It is just stunning and make sure you stop at McDonald Falls and go out on the little bridge.


Take one of the boat rides in Glacier National Park. This was a nice one - with park naturalist who pointed out bald eagles and explained local lore. If first in line, you can sit outside in the front of the boat. We also enjoyed lunch at the lodge with a lake view.


Take at least one of the boat rides in Glacier National Park. This was a beautiful trip - accompanied by a park guide who pointed out bald eagles and told local lore.


This is one of the most photographed lakes in North America, and yes, these photos are beautiful, but no photos compare to being able to actually walk along the shoreline of this reflective lake that seems to inspire the soul. Granted, one must search a bit for less travelled locations along the shores that are not already teaming with picture takers during high season. But during leaf change, and early autumn, the views are most wonderful and so much less crowded.


We stayed at Village Inn at Apgar. the sunrise was so beautiful. I'm a sunset, sunrise person. we sat having coffee on porch until sun was fully over mts. the colors, pink, purple, orange, red was beyond words. neat place.


I"m a pro photographer and just returned from a great trip to Glacier. If you're looking to get some great shots of water in the Park, Lake McDonald is a great venue. Here's how I suggest you go about getting the perfect shot.Get up before dawn and head over to the pier at Apgar. You have the best chance of getting dead still, mirror like water early am. The twilight and later emerging sun will provide the perfect lighting for the shot. Hopefully you'll also be blessed with some puffy clouds in the sky (that will turn bright red as the sun comes up).If your shooting with a DSLR, take the shot with a wide angle lens (24-40 mm). You'll want to mount the camera on a tripod and use a remote shutter release. Why? Because you'll want to shoot using a small aperture to make both the foreground and mountains in the distance turn out in focus. That will require a shutter speed too long to hand hold.You'll see below that I got both the reflection off the water and the great looking rocks at the bottom! How did I pull off that neat trick. mounting a circular polarizing filter on my lens and rotating till I get just the right effect. The filter can add or take away the reflection off the water.Good luck.PS. While your in the area, if you head North to the end of the lake you'll be able to enjoy MacDonald Creek. Some great ops for pics of moving water...Check out the photo below of MacDonald Falls.


A pretty great setting and good view not far from the west entrance to the park. Of the easily accessible lakes along the Going-to-the-Sun Road, I thought this one was the most breathtaking.

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