dale jarrett racing adventure


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dale jarrett racing adventure

The Dale Jarrett Racing Adventure is a company that offers ordinary racing...


Received a 10 lap experience as a present from my wife. Had speeds in excess of 170 mph. Going into the turns at full speed is something anyone who likes speed should experience. The Gs really get your attention. The cars are set up great and easily go thru the turns without slipping. If this doesn't get you excited not sure what will. No way I would want to be out there with 42 other cars going over 190 3 or 4 wide. Spend the money and go 20 laps or more because 10 laps will leave you wanting more. I have done the Nascar Racing Experience at Charlotte Motor Speedway and it is no where near as exciting as the DJ experience at Talladega.


I bought 6 laps as a surprise for my wife. The activity is well organized. They offer a choice of 3 laps as a passenger with an experienced driver or anywhere from 6 laps and up as a driver (one driver had signed up for 60 laps). After registration, there is a short briefing for drivers, passengers and family members to explain what will be happening. The staff members are very friendly and enthusiastic, with a constant attention to safety. After the briefing, the drivers and passengers are taken away for a short training session of about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, family members are shown a waiting area right next to the track. When the drivers arrive, family members form up and cheer them on. This is followed by instructors taking a couple of laps to warm up the cars, carrying an American flag on the last lap for a very brief opening ceremony. Drivers are then fitted with racing suits and helmets. They are assigned to cars based on height (no doors on the cars, seats welded in place) and given a place on the roster. Getting into the car and belted takes a couple of minutes, followed by leaving the pit and immediately starting laps. My wife reached 158, with 6 laps (they go faster each lap, which is why 10 laps is a popular choice).After stopping and turning in the suit, professional photos are offered showing sitting on the window, sitting in the car before starting out and an actual shot during a lap. The photo set is $40 but worth it, the photos (by a gentleman known as "Gator") are excellent. There is also a certificate showing high speed and a printout showing averages during the laps. We didn't buy the video, based on TripAdvisor reviews (also price has gone up to $80).It's been two days and she still feels the rush.


Did the other company first and had to try this at the fastest track in the world. Hit speeds in excess of 173mph in the "fat guy-slow car" (Ford #21). My friend of over 35 years was in the "rocket mobile" (seriously that's what one of the employees called it) and didn't turn as fast a lap! Something to be said for experience. Just standing on pit row and the infield was awesome! Being on track at the same time as my friend was great, but I wish we could have been closer together... Such is life. If you try this once, you'll realize the NASCAR drivers really are athletes. 10 laps and I was so tired I was happy to hit pit road (until the car stopped, then I was ready to go again)! My "co-driver" was very conservative with me and wouldn't let me open the car up until the last two laps, then it was Katie bar the door. I held max throttle for two full laps and tried my dangdest to put a dent in the floor. What was even better was coming off turn 4 at full throttle and actually being allowed to drive the car from high entering, low in the center and drifting out towards the wall on exit. What was even better on my last lap at speed was coming off 4 high and driving down the track off the banking to get every ounce of speed I could. I actually felt like I was a NASCAR driver!!! My only issue was there was an electrical spike so I didn't get the dvd I purchased. They did call me and refunded my money and offered me a percent off the next time. I am looking forward to taking them up on it one of these days...


well we will try it again! Early July did the ride a long at talladega. First, was not informed that the video was an extra 30.00, next time should be told on website. Did ride along and was handed my video, went home and only had one video of the view out of the windshield, i thought that it should have had a video of me in the seat and my reaction. guess not! there is two videos on the card but only one works. Don't try contacting the website because no one answers, I had to call to get some questions answered. If you look at all the negative comments someone from DJRA responds so please email me with your response. Ron Mayville Amherstburg Ontario


In 2013 I went and did a 40 lap drive. On Mar 29/2014 I went back and did another 40 laps. In laps 31 to 40 I went around the track in under 60 seconds for each of those 9 laps. Jody my instructor was great in letting me achieve "Full Throttle".


I did this today as a surprise birthday gift! I'm NOT a NASCAR fan and have never watched a race, but who hasn't thought: I could do that! This is the real deal!! Very professional, very efficient! A LOT of FUN! I was one of two ladies in our group of and I kicked butt! I hit 178.59 mph! Our group started at 1 and I was out of there by 3:30! Very patriotic! Well worth every penny! Not sure where negative reviews are coming from! This was AWESOME!


Just completed my first Dale Jarrett Racing Adventure today (3/08/2014) with 10 laps at Talladega Super Speedway with 4 friends. Driving at speeds of 170 mph plus was awesome! Passing a friend on the track at 170 mph was priceless!!!! This experience ranks among the top of all my experiences including skydiving and riding front seat in a Cobra helicopter. Gained a more appreciation of the skill the NASCAR drivers have.Cannot say enough about the staff at DJRA!!! They really made the experience one to remember. They were very accommodating to allow our party of 5 to all drive in the same group. Over and over we were asked if they (staff) could do any thing for us. The staff were very personable and friendly. Thanks to the staff!!!!I would definitely recommend upgrading to 10 laps. It takes at least 3-4 laps to become comfortable driving the track at speeds over 170 mph. The total experience was awesome. The staff and crew made it even more memorable! I would also recommend scheduling the 7am slot. I know it's early but a lot less people in that time slot (I think we had a total of 10 people in our slot). Everyone seemed more relaxed. The 11:00 slot had over 50 today. Great experience definitely will do it again!!!!


We invite anyone to review our website regarding our exotic racecar program. We clearly state that the race course is a road course and talk about the numerous turns. The only speed referenced is "100 MPH" and unfortunately we cannot promise that everyone will attain that speed as it is based on one's driving ability. All of our confirmation letters to the event clearly stated Talladega Gran Prix Raceway Park. We will be adding the park address to all future letters. It never makes us happy when one of our customers leaves less than satisfied with our adventure and have received no complaints in our office to allow us the appropriate response to our customer.Thank youThe Dale Jarrett Racing Adventure


I did the 6 lap drive and the 3 lap ride. The 6 laps weren't enough. I should have done the 10. You're just getting into the flow of the drive when your laps are finished. The ride following the drive was a good experience because you are taken on a different, faster line around the track.


I did the DJRA a couple of years ago at Talladega. The experience of driving a race car at 'Dega at 170 mph was outrageous. However, the experience as a whole was very tiring and challenged my patience.I had an appointment for mid morning, but I did not get into a car until about 4 hours after my scheduled appointment time. We waited around for hours while they went through the motions. Many people that had later appointments were suited up and allowed to drive hours before me(and others in my group). The whole group running the program seemed to be disorganized and not very professional. It looked like a bunch of part-timers without much supervision or direction.With that said, my co-driver(?) was very nice and knew how to direct me round the track. The folks that assisted me were friendly. However, the experience was greatly diminished by the inept organizational skills of the group. I expected more for the fees charges for the experience.I would love to take a few more laps in a NASCAR stock car at Talladega, but I will probably try the Petty group before I spend my money with the disorganized Dale Jarrett organization.


During orientation at the Dale Jarrett Racing Adventure, they state their goal was to make our day perfect and memorable. They absolutely did that - and more. I've been a Nascar fan for many years and a bucket list item was to drive a stock car at Talladega and achieve a top speed of at least 180 miles per hour. My wonderful wife bought me 60 laps as a gift and I used it on October 26, 2013. The whole experience exceeded my expectations - and they were high to begin with. The Dale Jarrett crew were wonderful and did everything possible to make the experience as unforgettable as possible. Nice touches I wasn't expecting were a printout of every lap with times, average speed and top speed. For a small extra cost I got a video of every lap so I can replay it as often as possible. I had a blast and hit a top speed of over 184 miles per hour - stroke that one off the list and look for the opportunity to do it again. This is highly recommended.


I got the rider 3 lap as a birthday present. Loved every minute of it. Speed, G-forces, noise, and a new found understanding and respect for what the real NASCAR drivers experience. Next time I drive!


Hello CIndy,Thank you for your business .We value our customers and appreciate their feedback, as we are constantly striving to improve our guest experience at-track. September 21st and 22nd was a scheduling mistake at Phoenix that was our fault. We apologize that we were unable to provide you with the scheduled drive. As you know, we have rescheduled a day at the Phoenix track for February 1, 2014. As discussed over the phone, we can either reschedule you for this date or issue you a gift certificate valid for up to one year. We hope you will give us another chance to provide you an unforgettable lifetime experience. Thank youRachel


I'm not sure there are enough words to describe just how Amazing my experience was with the DJ Racing Adventure. From the minute my dad and I checked in, the lady was so nice and friendly. We were taken to a driver's meeting where the instructor explained everything so well that we didn't have any questions. The guy, William that suited us up was such a character. He smiled and laughed with us. It made it so much more relaxing. My biggest worry was that I am insanely claustrophobic (fear of being closed in). They had told us in the meeting to let them know if we were. I did! I panicked as soon as they put the helmet on me before I even got into the car. I felt the instructor in the car tap me on the leg and told me it would be ok to wait for the helmet. I climbed in the car and had a full blown panic attack. I asked the instructor his name and it was Ben. At that moment he took ahold of my hand and told me it would be ok. He chatted with me while the very nice crew member was buckling me in. They let me tighten the straps as I felt I could. They got me a bottle of water to help me cool off. Ben kept reassuring me that it would be ok. When he had to let go of my hand so he could go over the hand signals, the crew member held my hand. Since they both had so much patience with me, I was ready for the helmet and to fire that car up. What an experience!!! The roar of that engine and the feel of the track was more than I could have ever imagined. My top speed was 174.19mph. It was Unforgettable I will always be grateful for the crew,staff and especially Ben for taking the time with me to make it ok. I have wanted to drive a racecar all my life and the DJ Racing Adventure made that dream come true. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.P.S. My 82 yr.old Dad's top speed was 171mph..Bonnie AutenMadison,Alabama


We were told to be here at 9:00 and we are still waiting to be told when we will do this. Four hours is a long time to wait to find out the start of an expensive experience. Keep being told to "sit tight".

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