dewitt city park


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dewitt city park



This is a nice small park along Route 1 on the edge of DeWitt. When we’re visiting in DeWitt, I enjoy coming here and walking around the paved trail that goes around the man-made pond. The trail is a little over a mile long. The park is nicely landscaped. I’ve come out here with my camera during different seasons and gotten some very nice photos. On our most recent visit, we stopped here to eat a fast-food lunch that we bought down the road before doing some exploring. We looked at the pond while we ate and watched some of the people fishing. There are picnic tables, but we ate in the car since it was cold that day. It’s not the kind of place you’d go out of the way for if you’re travelling, but it’s a nice spot for a picnic or a walk if you’re visiting in DeWitt or driving along Route 1 and need a break. There is also playground equipment, so it could be a good stop if you have kids that have some energy to burn off from being cooped up in the car.

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