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从亚斯文出发,前往埃及国土最南边的Abu Simbel Temple要有心理准备,那就是必须很早起床,在凌晨三点半抵达车队集结点,经过观光警察清点人数后,车队于四点一起出发,目的是为了确保接下来三个小时的沙漠旅程能平安顺利。在前往Abu Simbel Temple的车程中,可以小睡一下,但记得约莫五点五十分左右的沙漠日出,是让人经验的额外礼物。Abu Simbel Temple双神殿,是古埃及最强盛时期的法老王拉美西斯所兴建,在主殿右侧为其最宠爱的妻子Nefertair的神殿。在主殿入口二十公尺高的四座拉美西斯雕像,任何人看了都赞叹不已,真是太壮观了。
这座寺庙在面积和年代方面都非常惊人,很值得参观。从停车场到寺庙要沿着一条炎热颠簸的小路走很久,我们当中一些上了年纪、身体不是很好的人觉得挺费劲。你可以在寺庙外面拍照,但是里面不行。这次旅途是我们7天的尼罗河游轮之旅中可以选择的部分,我们本打算从阿斯旺坐飞机到阿布辛贝,旅途虽然很短,但是价钱很贵。但是我们被说服了,决定跟我们团队的其他人坐3个小时的长途汽车,穿过沙漠(凌晨3点的叫醒服务—— 一定要记住带个枕头上长途汽车!)寺庙给我们的印象相当深刻,我们完成了我们的参观,再一次被供应商戏弄/打败了,还要开车回去。多亏有条路被当地的努比亚人挡住了,我们又开了回去。然后我们在寺庙的咖啡厅里坐了好几个小时,跟几个其他的大巴上的游客成了人质,同时那些坐飞机的人能到机场,逃离这里,因为这里位于被包围的区域之中。随着气温上升,饮料的价钱开始飙升,旅行社给我们付了午餐和一杯饮料的钱。最后终于允许我们离开这个区域一次,我们的理解是,警察局长满足了努比亚人的要求,终于能回到我们的长途汽车上真是个解脱,我们直奔我们的游轮,虽然比原计划晚了七个小时。很庆幸这种情况只发生了一次—— 埃及需要旅游业带来的收入,我希望我的评论不会影响大家参观这个有着非常棒的历史遗迹的神奇国度。我很高兴我们去过埃及,但是我多么希望我们当时是坐的飞机啊!
我们一行6人是透过Trip Advisor 找到Memphis tour帮我们安排在埃及所有的行程, 一路从开罗看到Aswan,最震撼的是 Abu Simbel 神庙. 根据Memphis 的导游说, 每年2/23 跟3/23 阳光会直射到Ramses II的脸上... 于是我们非常非常跃跃欲试地想再来一次~
Amazing!! The engineering in the distant past and the fact that they recently rescued it from the waters of the lake.
The thing about Abu Simbel is that it’s so far off the beaten track – any track really, beaten or unbeaten, that some folks like me will want to consider whether to go or not. So… GO!If I had to pick 3 and only 3 things to visit among the wealth of incredible sites in Egypt, I think I’d pick the Giza Pyramids+Sphinx, the Karnak temple in Luxor, and Abu Simbel Ramses II and Nefertari temples. The interior of the temples is so well preserved that it resembles a Hollywood stage. Unbelievable.So here are some news:1. There is the possibility to go by plane from Aswan which means no ungodly early wake-up call.2. There are to convoys daily, the 4am and the 11am, so again you have options if you’re not of an early disposition.If I were to recommend any of the above options, undoubtedly I’d pick the 4am convoy: You will sleep the whole way in –and out for that matter! And depending the time of year you’ll also reach the temple at the time of day when the statues of Ramses II and Nefertari are ungodly illuminated by the raising sun.
I stayed in Aswan for one night and then reached Abu Simble in 3 hours police escorted , it was tiring and chilly but well worth the visit it's totally amazing both temples from inside and outside and it impressively built , was actually there on one of the two days of the year when the sunrays fall on statue of Ramses II , those two days are his birthday and his coronation day. Whats even more impressive is the fact that this temple has been moved from its original location to this one , which has changed the dates of sunrays on Ramses II statue by two days .
Very impressive temples both from inside and outside. They are cut in the rock, so inside there is a feeling like in real temple, incomparable with the feeling when you visit ruins, without roofs, with the walls only part-preserved and so on.
Have seen this on the television, but it really did it no justice. It takes your breath away, it is really amazing. It is also set in the most beautiful scenery, so peaceful. The downside is having to get up in the early hours because it is a long way from anywhere. That said it was well worth the loss of sleep, it really should be one of the wonders of the world.
We stayed in Aswan and got a transfer to Abu Simble 3 hours police escorted but well worth the visit it's totally amazing both temples when you see them inside and out are truly amazing.
History books inform us that the young Pharaoh went to war against the Kadesh, - was nearly captured - but came to a trues with them - then spent the rest of his long reign covering the walls and buildings- telling every one about 'The Great Warrior.' A recent tomb opening discovered his of-spring, about 50 boys and 50 girls. His main wife was Nefertari - no relation the Nefertiti.Early Egyptian explorers were taken to this sight by a young lad named Abu Simbel - now named after him.I wandered away from my group and opened a door into the inner concrete dome - it is hollow inside - and very big. Brian, from Perth. W. Australia.
Take an early morning flight and arrive in time for sunrise.It is amazing that they moved these magnificent statues and tomb up the hill, so that it didn't get flooded when the Aswan Dam was built. They dismantled the statues so carefully that it is impossible to see the joins.When you stand in front of the statues you barely come up to their feet.An incredible place to visit and not to be missed.