mount sinai
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西奈半岛去了三次了,2012年圣诞期间这次找到保姆在酒店陪孩子我和老公才得以成行。埃及政局不稳,如果再不去,将来更不知道要等多少年。 夜里出发,一个小巴上坐了八个游客。夜里的沙漠除了冷冷的月光,便是漆黑的山脉。 一路上没看到几部车,还是有些害怕的感觉。 孤零零地从Sharm Cheik 开出来两个多小时, 开到西奈山下。 一下车便感觉到刺骨的冷。 白天可以在红海游泳的温度夜间在沙漠里降到了零度,我把在来埃及前欧洲穿的冬天衣服都穿上了还是觉得透骨的冷。有小贩在黑暗中兜售手套,买了两双带上,夜里十二点半左右, 开走。 据说总共有750级台阶要爬。 同车来的都是欧洲人,而且都是独行客,漂亮女汉子,走起来一点都不含糊。我和老公是爬过很多山的人,路况对于我们来说还好。山上岩石风化的山,自然没树没草,跟紧了导游微弱的手电光,和月光,走起来反而暖和些。逐渐几个年纪大些的就有些吃不消了,走吧,太累,实际上是不规则的山路坎,哪有什么台阶可数?不走,一停下就冷。我们跑得快,可以在几个点着微弱油灯的休息点买一小杯热饮。 黑暗中看不到有很多人,可是突然听到哭声还有好多人围观,原来是个德国老人心脏病突发不行了,游客中有人上去帮忙抢救,可是没用,老人已经去了。老伴和两个年轻女孩在哭,几个导游能做的只是用手电信号发给山下求援。有些感叹,欧洲来的多少是信徒来参拜神山,如果上帝真在,怎么让他的信徒逝世在半途上? 据说摩西在山顶和上帝通灵,从而诞生了摩西十诫。 一直走到快凌晨五点,路也越发陡峭了,就近山顶了。休息点有个破棚子,挤满了人, 很多冷得受不了就租了当地人的毯子捂得连眼睛都看不见。 天慢慢发白,人们各自选了地方等候太阳升起。来的路上不觉人多,但齐聚山顶时竟然挤得满满的。 太阳升起时有人鼓掌。 很美, 阳光照在红色的,裸露岩石的群山上,想起古老的圣经故事,真的觉得不枉一夜苦行,兴奋体验一个文化,宗教和自然之美合为一的时空。 下山有两条路, 我们选了远些,但风景好的一条, 下山时就开始热起来。太阳顶头照下来,天是湛蓝,纯净;山石赤红,比日出更美。 到圣卡特琳娜修道院时已经次日的上午11点左右了。 这个修道院是世界上最古老的修道院,而且是一个犹太,伊斯兰和Christian三教共容的地方, 值得一看。 回到SharmCheikh 已经是下午3,4 点钟。
十月中旬,我们半夜十分乘坐厢式车穿过沙漠,凌晨一点半到达了西奈山(Mount Sinai)脚下。我们从那时就开始攀登了。很冷,虽然是在山脚,所以我们穿了好几层,攀登变得陡峭之后,我们就脱下来了。真是一次超现实的体验,半夜里跟随着我们贝多因(Bedouin)导游,Mohammed,徒步登山。他很镇静,很绅士,不断地查看以确保队里的所有人都没有问题。我们带着手电筒,所以能看到踩到的石头,这一路上崎岖不平,石头很多。我们爬到一定高度,回头看时,看到一条长长的,蛇形的移动着的小小灯光在不断前行,更多的游客加入了我们爬向山顶的朝圣之行。道路并没有陡峭到让人害怕的程度,不过活动量很大,而且我们要专注于脚下。沿路有很多茶摊儿,游客可以停下来休息一下,暖和暖和。我们最终爬上1000级的台阶后,不得不来回走走,喘口气儿,不过爬山本身还不错。路上跟着我们的有很多骆驼,在黑天里,好几次都吓到了我。一些岁数大的爬山者选择骑骆驼上山,但是路那么陡,骑那么高看着有点儿吓人。我们很兴奋终于爬到了山顶,加入了山顶岩石边的人群之中。太阳升起的一刻让我不由颤动(也许只是凉风吹进了我的脖领)。真是一段美好的回忆,我会永远感恩的。
This is a really stenuous night time hike up the fabled Moses mountain - Mount Sinai. Not easy at all and many of the folk around me hired camels to taxi them up to the beginning of the formidable 750 'steps' to the top. But the views are stunning. A one off experience, but don't go if you suffer vertigo.Expect to be walking in the dark with a torch for two and a half hours - all up!I'm 64 by the way, but fit...
This was a fantastic trip. I recommend that everybody do this.Experience:Riding a camel under the clear starlit sky with the moon half full, this was just like a scene from adventure movie. Seeing the sunrise at the top was one of the most spectacular things I've seen and believe me, no image or video can do this just.Clothing:I visited in February and I have to say that the cold was tremendous. -5°c on the meter + strong wind means that it was probably closer to -10°c to -12°c. I recommend several layers of clothing + blanket at the top. Also, gloves and winter hat are essential. Accommodations:There are many rest stops and coffee shops along the way. Hot tea, coffee, sodas, snacks and candy sold along the way. Bedouin guides:I met few of them and they were all super nice. Their hospitality is great and they are prepared to assist you in any way, even holding heavy stuff like backpacks or cameras on the way up. Prices:We booked the trip through Memphis tours and the price for 2 persons was about 130$ each. Included was pick up at the hotel and drive back, water, the hike with a Bedouin guide, private tour guide on the way + in the St. Catherine monastery. The price is about 65$ if there are more than 7 persons going. Blankets: 25 L.E (3.25$)Hot Drink: 10 L.E (1.30$) Camel: 130 L.E (17$)Tips for the Camel guy: 10-20 LE (1.3$-2.6$)Tips for the Bedouin guide: No obligation but the 2 of us paid about 100 LE each (13$)Difficulty:I've read before my trip that this was hard and difficult hike. That depends on how you do this and how long time you take. We took camels the first 50-60% of the way to save some energy for the final 700 steps and of course to experience the camel ride in the middle of the night under the beautiful sky. I've read that even "regular gym goers" have trouble climbing the last part. I think it depends on who you are and where you come from. The "regular gym goer" isn't necessarily used to climb uneven ground in cold that varies from -1°c to -12°c. I am out of shape overweight smoker and I climbed the steps without any troubles and smoked about 8 cigarettes on the way. We stopped about 3 times for 2-3 minutes, just to catch our breath. I didn't get tired in my legs or anything, but the breathing part was the hardest thing in this hike. We did this in a very good time, so good that we waited in the final camp before the last 100 steps for at least 3 and a half hour. If you have a hard time breathing, just stop more often. Just not to long as the cold is also a factor. To be fair, though I am out of shape and did this with little difficulty, I come from Iceland and I am fairly used to hiking mountains and being quite cold.I absolutely recommend this trip for anyone. Especially if you have a long time in Sharm.
From reading the reviews it seems a lot of people do the sunrise hike; we did a sunset hike. A friend and I went up the stairs in the evening and watched the sun set from the top. On the way up, we were literally the only people on the stairs until the very top. I guess I should mention that you can take the road to the top and then the last flight of stairs, or you can take a different path that has the stairs going all the way from the bottom and then take the road down. I would not recommend the second path at night though, but in the evening it was a fantastic experience.
Just did the mountain climb of 2285meters ..In the dark . not a easy climb and where not Told that it's freezing when you get to the top.absolutely freezing..So e had to buy hats and blankets asking the way.The trek was dangerous and I would never recommend it to a older person or a child..The reps will say yes to everything you ask as all they care about is your money.The sight at the top is amazing but I wouldn't do it again
If you are looking for a life time Experience, take the over night treeking. It can be freezing cold so ask you Travel agent regarding the weather conditions, i doubted at first but when we got there i couldnt beat it, had to rent blankts from the bedouins.
One of the challenges that u will face in ur life is climbing the Mousa Mountain .... The road is paved. A lot of rocks and sand in it. U will climb 7 km and 750 steps to be on top. The biggest challenge is the 750 steps not the 7 km :D ... First u will climb for 2 km and then u will find the first rest after that every 1 km there will be a rest .. Try to drink tea in each rest to keep ur body warm. As long as u r going up it will get colder and colder so be prepared to take with u heavy clothes in a bag and start to wear it each time u feel cold ... At the top is was wearing :2 under shirts 2 hoodiesJacket2 pantsWool socksGlovesAnd finally ice cap.Take some chocolates with u like Snickers or mars " chocolates that will give u power " water take 2 bottles of water and finally don't forget the torch. I really enjoyed it. A great experience to have. The sunrise scene is worthing the climb. Going down is way way more tiring than going up :D :D :D Finally u will realize that " whatever the difficulties of life ... if you want something badly will be able to get it and no one can stop u from getting it "
I have just returned from the overnight sunrise trip that I booked for 110LE from dahab. It's is a long night but goes very quickly! Reading other reviews that have discribed the night but I few things I will like to comment on1) there are a lot of locals (Egyptians) that do this, we have over 23 bus loads (yes we counted) and it turned it into a festival. Waving flags, lighting flairs, fireworks, music and lots of shouting. So be prepared you will not have the top to yourself!! I have uploaded some photos to show you.2) there are coffee/ tea stations at regular intervals so you can also get your caffeine fix, most have a toilet but..3) the toilets, there are not many on the mountain and be prepared to wait. They are not as bad as I thought they will be but as everyone is drinking a lot of coffee/ tea to stay awake and keep warm, the queues can be long. 4) it's all about layers, bring clothes that you can take off easily as you do break into a sweat walking up, and when walking down you ended up taking it all off as it gets very hot.
We've just visited St Catherines monastery and also spent a fantastic day trekking in nearby Wadi Itlah. The visit to the monastery was a really amazing experience, the centuries old history of a christian place of worship in a muslim country. Napoleon Bonaparte rebuilt part of it! The surrounding area is too quiet due to Govt. travel restrictions, which has destroyed the economy of the local bedouin community. Numerous beautiful walks in historical locations, we will be back again and again! The welcome from the locals perfect, enjoy and drink in the scenery which changes by the minute.
We booked a tour with the hotel we were staying at in Dahab to visit the monastery. After a long scarey drive through the desert in a taxi that was in terrible condition, we arrived and bought our tickets. We were not told that the monastery was about to close and were refused entry into the building. They refused to refund us which we thought was very un Christian.For those of you interested in visiting this place it closes around lunch time. You think our hotel tour operator that arranged the trip would have told us this.