centrale manic-5


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centrale manic-5



Been there about 3 times through the years. You drive for 2,5 hours looking at trees and winding roads and then Bonn this mega structure appears. Very cool!!


This a a unique opportunity to experience a pretty in-depth (for a lay person) look at an engineering wonder. Security is high, for obvious reasons but the visit is well managed and safe. There are steps on the tour and damp uneven concrete floors in place to take note of. There is a short presentation so start with with Q&A (remember English is not the locals first language so prepare for some "thinking time" with commentaries. Then don a hard hat, it is an industrial site, and earpiece and thank yourself for wearing a comfy pair of shoes and jacket.You go right inside the dam (it is hollow - surprisingly hollow too). You can clearly understand this unique construction, see the base river bed and appreciate the massive structure. Bit eerie when you think about all that water just a few feet away but well worth the experience of doing it.What surprised us was you actually get inside and can see one of the 8 turbines rotating. It is most impressive. You will be surprised at the space of the interior and the cleanliness (safety first) of the building too. There are facilities in the visitor centre and, as you have to leave all your items behind during the tour, they are locked and secure. Please note you cannot just turn up and visit. You will need to seek out the opening times and pre-book. Also not it is some way out of Baie Comeau but the route is also most impressive.


Worth a visit if you can't resist large engineering projects. Of interest to only a few, but worth it if you have the time. Was really cold so didn't stay long.


No kidding. Ok - I am a geek and i find large projects like this one fascinating. This tour is extremely thorough and you get to see parts of the powerhouse and Dam that you never are shown on other tours. It is really a thorough and excellent tour - and it is well worth the visit to get there. I very very strongly recommend that you stay overnight in Baie Comeau. The gas station / motel at the Dam site is just horrible.


Very educational for children and adults alike, a place written in recent history books because of the tenacity of the locals


Great! It is soo big that you only get the real scope of it as you drive up the mountain beside it. A marvel of construction! Its bigger than Mount Rushmore.


The purpose of our visit was to visit Hydro-Quebec ‘s Manic2 and Manic5 hydroelectric dams which were both magnificent. We were highly impressed by the vastness and extent of these developments. The two young Hydro-Quebec employees, who as our guides, explained the historical and technical details of these dams were well trained and highly efficient.


Drove by the Manic-5 dam on my way to a fishing trip and it is a truly impressive structure. Certainly worth seeing but not if it is your only reason to drive the 2.5 hours from Baie-Comeau to get there.


Bonjour, Il m'arrive fréquemment de travailler au Lac Louise qui se situe tout près de la centrale Manic-5. On appel ça, notre petite Floride. La température en été y est très chaude, c'est super intéressant d'aller visiter la centrale car c'est une structure tellement impressionnante. - La route pour s'y rendre est sinueuse. Allez-y avec un bon 4x4 ou un gros char. Disons que ce n'est pas la place pour une belle voiture de l'année ! Le motel sur place : Motel Énergie !


Même si le chemin pour s'y rendre est très tortueux et quand même assez long (215 km de Baie Comeau), c'est intéressant de visiter cette réalisation des années 60.


C'est très impressionnant. La route est longue mais ça vaut la peine d'être vue une fois dans sa vie! Les guides sont très intéressant


La centrale Manic-5, la centrale Manic-5-PA et le barrage Daniel-Johnson forment un aménagement hydroélectrique spectaculaire d'Hydro-Québec, situé sur la Côte-Nord du Québec, dans la MRC de Manicouagan, à 214 km au nord de la ville de Baie-Comeau.J'ai capturé en vidéo notre visite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SneDXvWB1QHaut de 214 m, d'une largeur en crête de 1 314 m, doté de 13 voûtes et de 14 contreforts, le barrage est le plus grand barrage à voûtes multiples et à contreforts du monde. Il a une hauteur de chute de 141,8 m.


Excellente visite ! Les guides sont très motivantes. Les paysage est tout à fait magnifique a partir du belvédère situer quelques kilomètres avant le barrage. Demander sont emplacement aux guides le points de vue en vaut vraiment la peine! J'ai cependant été plus impressionné par la visite de manic 2.


Visite mémorable de la Manic5. Une guide motivée et plein d'enthousiasme.Merci a Marie-Philippe! On y apprend énormément. A voir, a visiter et a aller au belvédère au coucher de soleil pour prendre de belles photos de la Manic5.


La route pour se rendre , même si elle est sinueuse vaut la peine, car le spectacle est grandiose!! Les guides sont jeunes et dynamiques, une visite mémorable.

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