cage of shame
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Levoca is a beautiful architectural town which we explored in summer. Astonishing buildings, legends and fun.
An ancient punishment cage - Not much to see ... But ..Think of how it could be used in the modern world.As my title suggests , I can think up a few candidates straight away.Lust let you imagination do the rest !
Unfortunately the cage was locked, so we weren't able to leave a member of our party behind. In a square - near a large church that is being remodeled.
Nothing special, but a part of the history and it is interesting to hear the stories about it. It is said that mainly ladies were put into the cage. It was forbiden to walk around the square after 21:00 for girls and women. Those who broke the law were put into the cage.
The Cage of Shame still stood there. It has said that it was used for women who committed adultery to be shamed. I reckon this act was a part of "witch hunt" although I could not confirm. This could be still used as a reminder....
The Cage of Shame is simply an iron cage sitting outside the town hall. Allegedly it was used for incarcerating adulterous women so that they could be publicly shamed.
Клетка позора находится на центральной площади Левочи, прямо перед ратушей. В Средние века сюда сажали провинившихся граждан – и те сидели в клетке на виду и всего города. Сама по себе клетка незаметна, и если не знать о ней, можно её и не заметить, любуясь куда как более примечательной архитектурой центральной площади. И всё же, несмотря на всю свою незамысловатость, это памятник средневековой культуры, на который стоит обратить внимание.
Fica na praça principal da cidade e com muitas histórias sobre seu uso. É bem conservado e diferente.
Клетка позора находится рядом с церковью св.Якуба и Ратушей. Ничего особенного. Классическое место для фото туристов.
Dizem que expuseram adúlteras nesta gaiola, porém năo há imagens de seu uso, o que torna um pouco incerta sua estória. Ainda assim causa uma impressão forte.
Кованое сооружение, без ярких особенностей, украшено парой сердечек-цветочков. Закрыто на замок. Хорошо смотрится рядом с красивой Ратушей.