church of st. jacobs
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

This is a church you must go and admire its world's highest wooden alter, built by Master Paul of Levoca, the most reputable of his kind in Slovakia.The entry is only possible with a guide, so be aware about the opening hours and be there on time once you have purchased a ticket.Taking pictures inside the church is not allowed for obvious reasons, but you can buy some souvenirs and photographs in good quality in the souvenir shop / pay office.
Not just 18,6 m Gothic "World Guiness" of altars occupied by figures of Madonna, St Jacob an St John, but also worth seeing outside.
You must come here when you are in this city to see famous work of mister pavol. But these days it is in revonstruction so its harder to see
Lovely Church in the Old Town. Just as the town next door it is full of charm and yet magesty when compared to the small town houses. Many altars, pillars are worth seeing, assuming you are lucky to have found the church open.
The church of St James (sv. Jacub) has a set of some 18 altar pieces & the main high altar is 61 ft high, all carved in wood by the celebrated woodcarver, Paul (sv Pavol) of Levoka. There seems to be a different altar at each available pillar - the church has one of the finest & most compact collections of medieval & renaissance sacred art you will see anywhere. There are restricted opening hours - best time your visit for between 3pm & 4pm. We went on a dark day & so could not see very well, altho there is some electric lighting.The well preserved main square of Levoca has some amazing facades of houses - I wish we had had longer in this interesting old town
Like - very interesting church and altarDislike - the church is often closed
The wooden altar was grand, the and church was a delight to visit. I love church architecture, and this is not one to miss if you have a similar interest and are in the area.
On our trip to Eastern Europe, we saw many beautiful places, both man made and natural. This church was one of the more interesting places we saw. Much history, much beauty. Don't pass up visiting it.
В этой церкви св.Якуба находится самый большой деревянный алтарь в мире. Вход платный и по времени. Билеты продаются в здании напротив главного входа. Там же небольшой сувенирный магазин. С сожалению, главная достопримечательность - алтарь работы мастера Павла находился на реставрации, поэтому пришлось довольствоваться репродукциями. На входе в храм дают пояснительный текст на нескольких языках, в том числе на русском.
Мы попали в церковь случайно, большую часть времени она закрыта, а тут - открылась на службу. Внутри - величественно, но снимать нельзя.
Molto interessante, davvero belle le sculture in legno, giustamente famose. Peccato che le pitture non siano restaurate: due cicli sui 7 peccati capitali e sulle opere di misericordia. Merita una visita-
De binnenkant is prachtig. Je moet onder begeleiding naar binnen. Koop een kaartje tegenover de kerk. Bijzondere kerk, oud. Impossante sfeer met prachtig houtsnijwerk.
Interessante l'insieme del centro storico ben conservato; nella piazza centrale la Chiesa di San Giacomo, il municipio e la chiesa evangelica. Nella chiesa di San Giacomo ci sono una quindicina di altari lignei, per lo più gotici e rinascimentali, tra questi cinque scolpiti dal Maestro Pavol di Levoca, tra i maggiori intagliatori tardogotici europei. Nella Casa del Maestro oggi è ospitato un piccolo museo che attraverso riproduzioni fotografiche e alcuni esempi lignei aiuta a capire meglio l'opera dell'artista e anche a confrontare volti di Cristo, della Madonna e di altri personaggi presenti a Levoca ed in altre chiese della Slovacchia. Non lontano da Levoca c'è Spissky hrad (Castello di Spis), Spisska Kapitula (Capitolo di Spis con la cattedrale di San Martino) e la chiesa di Santo Spirito a Zehra, tutti luoghi compresi nella lista del patrimonio culturale mondiale del'Unesco, tutti luoghi pieni di fascino e ancora troppo poco conosciuti forse dai turisti.
Die Kirche ist sehr interessant mit vielen Stücken von großen Werten (Holzstatuen vom Mister Paulus, Malereien,...). Begleitpersonal war nicht besonders freundlich, man kann nur in bestimmten Zeiten die Kirche be suchen (Gruppen über 20 Personen können den Eintritt vereinbaren), Es gab keine Betreuung auf Deutsch.