montenegro lines bar-bari
2A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

I always like to say something nice, if I can. So, first the positive: The ferry did not sink.Now, the negatives, which are so numerous I don't want to forget a thing...A friend and I were traveling in multiple countries via motorcycle. We decided to cross from Bari, Italy, and go to Montenegro. We have different family names. We each booked a separate cabin, and separate motorcycle passage on separate computers. There were a few choices in cabins. We booked inside cabins with a toilet. The price with cabin added €130 to the price of passage.Upon arrival, we were told that we must share a cabin. There were many empty cabins, but, they just booked it that way. They said if we paid a second time (i.e., each booking once again, double price), we could each have a cabin but not until we were at least 30 minutes underway (at 12:30 am for a 8:00 am secheduled arrival). I showed them the receipt but they ignored it. As of this writing, two weeks later, they have as yet not refunded a thing for the cabin not provided. In the cabin, there were four births, and dirty beds, which contained the overpowering stench of body odor from the hundreds who lay there before us. The carpets were ripped, the door had a broken piece at the bottom, and, worst of toilet or shower in the cabin. It was as disgusting a place to try to sleep as you can imagine.I went to the "public" bathroom on my level. There were four toilets, two broken, and two with the top piece missing. To flush, one must reach into the plumbing and push a button. Needless to say, most people did not, and the two working toilets were piled with heaps of pee and excrement.The boat left an hour late. At midnight, I laid upon a towel to protect myself as well as possible from whatever vermin lived in the mattress. At 4:00 am, I really needed to visit the toilet...which was LOCKED!!! I went on other levels and all the toilets were locked. I could not find a crew member. Eventually I found an open WC on the top deck. But it took an hour to find that.The crew smoked all over the boat, even though it was clearly posted as a non-smoking area. They also could not care any less about the complaints. Their attitude was that they have no competition, and if I don't like it, I can swim next time.I cannot imagine a worse ferry trip unless the ferry sinks.
We read the reviews and had very low expectations, the boat was dirty, bathrooms were horrible, no crew to be found after loading, no information available. No address for entry, no information about services on board. No safety information, no program for boarding. All very disorganized. We brought our own food, drink and bedding instead of paying for a room so the trip was ok and the sunrise was awesome!
I was excited about the cabin, excited about the views, about the romance of travelling across the Adriatic by boat.I was bitterly disappointed.Instead of a modern ferry I was confronted with something that more resembled a ship transporting refugees. People were sleeping in the halls, in fact you could not navigate the ship without having to step over someone in a sleeping bag.This ship itself was disgusting: a rusting bucket from the 50s which clearly hasn't been updated since then: nails were sticking out walls, the carpets were dirty and disgusting and the beds had bed bugs or flees. Both me and my companion were covered in bites once we emerged weary eyes from what he described as like 'hell'.Perhaps most seriously of all is the utter lack of safety precautions: at no point were we informed what to do in an emergency and once we had discovered for ourselves our escape route (one of only 2 for the deck) we discovered that it was locked with a chain and padlock. It is oversights like this that costs lives.Take it from us, Montenegro Lines needs to seriously improve its service, it's comfort, it's hygiene and it's safety and although a good alternative to flying, I would be remiss to recommend such an unpleasant and more concerningly dangerous means of transportation.
I booked a private room for myself and my girlfriend in order to get to Montenegro from Puglia. Unlike the above review... our booking waw honoured. However, at the time of writing this review, we had to travel 2km to a separate building in the dock area to check-in. This was quite bewildering given there were kiosks for this company in the terminal but they literally had no human presence there.Regardless, we figured this out and got on to the ferry and locked ourselves into our little cupboard and had a decent sleep. The beds are poor (but I've had worse) and it was quite stuffy... but at the end of the day you're booking this ferry more as a means of transport than accommodation... The only other thing I'll mention is that you need to set your alarm for the arrival time. The loudspeaker is a little too quiet and we slept through most of the passengers disembarking.
Read the reviews after we booked and thought it would be terrible...but it was great! Customs were quick on the Montenegro side, there was a place on the deck you walked in on to store big bags (locked up overnight), then walked up one flight of stairs to reception. We were given keys to our cabin - twin beds, private ensuite and a window, on the top deck. Cabins were air conditioned (middle of summer, 30 degrees outside and icy cold inside - bring a jacket!) and clean. Boat was smooth, and although the engine was noisy, it was easy to get used to - better than hearing someone talking or doors slamming etc. The top three decks were accessible to everyone, it was definitely not crowded and there were seats and tables free. There's a restaurant downstairs which does breakfast in the morning. Oh - and it was the Sveti Stefan we were on. A lovely journey, I'd be happy to go back again.
Shame on us for trusting that reservations made online months in advance would actually be honored by this ferry company. Strangely enough, the crew allowed us on board without valid tickets, and that's when the fun & games started! We managed to convince the Captain that a mistake had been made and he granted us a room for the overnight trip to Bar, Montenegro. In the bulkhead, no windows, on a sweltering night. The ferry left Bari about 4 hours late. A more miserable night I cannot imagine. Our 2 older teenagers did the smart thing and stayed up all night out on deck with the other young people, drinking, signing and dancing. Needless to say, we arrived in Bar totally zonked having gotten virtually no sleep. Truly, a nightmare.
Reservamos a linha Bar-Bari da Montenegro Lines com mais de 2 meses de antecedência e fizemos o roteiro de nossa viagem baseado na data da viagem cruzando de Montenegro à Itália. Embarcamos normalmente, mas notei que havia poucos caminhões e poucos passageiros. Durante o jantar, um passageiro nos informou que soube do comandante que o motor havia quebrado e que não partiríamos aquela noite, talvez a noite seguinte se o problema fosse consertado. Dormimos no barco, mas na manhã seguinte soube por outros passageiros que o problema do cancelamento da viagem era o numero de passageiros e caminhões. Fiquei indignado. Apesar da simpatia do comissário de bordo, tive de alugar um carro até a Albania (Durres) para pegar o navio de lá para Bari. Perdi 1 dia de viagem nesse contratempo, fora o prejuizo.
Начитались жутко отрицательных отзывов об этом пароме, ожидали самого худшего. На деле все оказалось не так отвратительно.Мы купили билеты Deck, самые дешевые, знали, что если будут места, можно будет отдохнуть в самолетных креслах. Так и вышло, не сезон, поэтому мест было полно. Увы, ночью в зале с самолетными креслами стало ужасно холодно, поэтому обязательно берите плед, если хотите сэкономить, как и мы.Хотя еще более лучшим вариантом будет взять спальник или типа того, в самом пароме теплее, многие спали на полу, не самый худший вариант. В обратную сторону мы плыли в четырехместной каюте, там было очень тепло, мы жутко устали, поэтому спали в принципе хорошо. Посудину явно шатало только в двух часах от Италии (в обе стороны), дальше было вполне себе хорошо. Так как поездки проходят исключительно ночью и это всего на 9 часов, не вижу смысла ждать сервиса как на круизных лайнерах. Это обычное регулярное сообщение, получше поездов РЖД будет. Рекомендую очень сильно устать накануне, чтобы проспать ночь. Уже на обратном пути, из Бари (Италия) нас ждало приключение (ожидаемое). Регистрация (чек-ин) на паром проходит в грузовом порту, а отплытие в пассажирском. Не стоит этого бояться, ходит бесплатный шаттл (он единственный останавливается у пассажирского терминала), довозит до грузового порта (там есть вывеска Montenegro Lines, регистрация на некоторые другие паромы проходит там же), на том же шаттле уезжаете обратно. В случае с Бари лучше заложить минимум 1.5 часа до отплытия, чтобы не переживать.В случае с Баром (Черногория), в общем-то можно приходить к самому отплытию.
Si reggono perché sono gli unici che lavorano per il Montenegro, ma davvero vi consiglio di andarvene in Croazia e passare il confine... Cabine sporche e puzzolenti, appena ho aperto il bagno privato ho trattenuto i conati, per di più il water non scaricava! Di fuori la gente si accampa come i profughi, con mendicanti e zingari, il ristorante poi, i camerieri son scortesi con chi non è serbo o montenegrino, però i soldi li accettano da tutti! I conti fatti a mente dal cameriere che ha incluso la mancia è stato il top! Al ritorno abbiamo preso solo la poltrona, e qua devo dire che gli italiani fanno una magra figura visto che quelli del posto ponte avevano occupato i posti poltrona, con tanto di receptionist che come un saldato tedesco controllava tutti i biglietti!!!!!!! Senza dire che:l'italiana affianco a me ha deciso di far colazione alle 4 di mattina con tanto di bottiglia di plastica accartocciata affianco al mio orecchio che dormivo, in altro ragazzo ha messo a tutto spiano "fuggi da foggia", quando la nave ha attraccato c'è stata una colluttazione fra due ragazze e la receptionist "tedesca" che le voleva sedute e non addossate alla porta. Quando mi son alzata ho trovato di tutto per terra dove eravamo seduti noi italiani e nella parte montenegrina no.
очень удобный способ попасть в Италию и обратно. сидячие места самые дешевые, но спать так абсолютно невозможно, каюты люкс не уступают номерам хороших отелей
Если вы отдыхаете в Черногории и есть Шенгенская виза, то у Вас появляется возможность посетить Базилику Николая-Угодника в Бари.… Самое удобное - на пароме. Сам паром - не большой и очень старый. Билеты всегда есть, поскольку желающих не много… (полагаю 500 чел точно помещается…) Большой трюм - для машин и 2 палубы с каютами, не считая открытой верхней палубы. Везде нещадно пахнет дизтопливом. ВСЕ каюты - условно приспособлены к путешествиям: окон или нет или не отрываются, а кондиционер в крохотных каютах дует постоянно и ни как не регулируется. Поэтому заснуть не получится…)))))) Покупать билет лучше самый дешёвый - в «самолётное кресло» на палубу! (кажется 50 евро сегмент) Там обычно просторно, много воздуха и не сильно пахнет смесью солярки ….. с сигаретным дымом… Отход парохода в 22 часа, плывет ночь, приход в Италию - в 8 утра….. Отоспитесь уже в гостинице, в Бари.… Одного раза «приключения на пароме»- хватило....
Il Montenegro è una bellissima nazione molto naturalistica e ricca di attrazione e servizi .L'unica pecca della nostra vacanza in questa nazione è strato il traghetto della Montenegro Lines... abbiamo viaggiato sulla peggiore nave mai vista , bagni sporcatissimi, poltrone rotte e probabilmente mai pulite, viaggio molto rumoroso e per nulla confortevole. Andare in Montenegro vale davvero la pena ma è essenziale l'automobile quindi o affrontate l'avventura della Montenegro lines oppure vi consiglio di imbarcarvi in Croazia e varcare poi il confine oppure aereo+autonoleggio.
Впервые после Италии можно поесть супа. Простывшему ребенку подогрели молока на капучинаторе. Официанты говорят на английском, сербском, русском и итальянском.
Решили совместить шоппинг в Италии и отдых в Черногории, поэтому купили билеты на самолет (AirBerlin) из Москвы с 1-ой пересадкой до Бари (Италия). Оттуда нам предстояло добраться на пароме в Бар (Черногория). Забронировали каюту на 3-х человек (через Интернет) - паром отходит вечером и уже утром вы на месте. Но эта ночь в душной каюте оказалась испытанием не для слабонервных. Очень жарко, окна в каюте нет, а из удобств - крошечный туалет и раковина. Хорошо, что впереди была неделя отдыха. Обратно также возвращались в Италию на пароме. Купить билеты с местами в каюте уже не смогли (решили, что это даже не так плохо с учетом нашего опыта в душной каюте) - все было выкуплено, поэтому ехали в общем зале на креслах. Но второе испытание оказалось еще более изматывающим - ночью очень холодно, кресла старые, разместиться на них с комфортом в принципе невозможно. Ощущения от парома самые ужасные. И еще такой момент - одновременно с паромом из Черногории в Бари прибывает и паром из Албании - народа очень много и страшные очереди на паспортном контроле (СТОЯЛИ ЧАСА 2!!!). НИКОГДА И НИКОМУ НЕ РЕКОМЕНДУЮ!
il viaggio a bordo della sveti stefan è stato uno dei più brutti che abbia mai fatto, la nave è un rottame sporchissimo,e il personale molto maleducato e poco professionale. Al ritorno, i bagni delle donne sono stati chiusi dopo appena un'ora di viaggio, potete immaginare come era ridotto quello degli uomini dopo le successive 7 ore... il montenegro è bellissimo, ma se potete, arrivateci con qualcos'altro!