whitetail mountain resort


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whitetail mountain resort



We have spent some time up here in February and March so that our children can snowboard. They have been in both group and private lessons. This mountain is very, very expensive for what it offers. There always seems to be some mix-up with instructors when it comes to private lessons. A lot of folks stand around outside waiting for the instructor to even show up for their child. I think it's time for my family to move on to a different mountain. This was nice when they were younger. The one thing we LOVE is the valet parking. If you can use it; at $12 it is inexpensive and worth it when traveling with children or trying to carry equipment.

Girma T

A place of rip offs. For a family with kids and who don't have any skiing experience, I wouldn't recoman this place at all.First, their employees, including the customer service/management, do not have any clue what is the other one is doing. At the customer service you may buy a product like a kids class but the instructors do not have any idea why you are there. The instructors do not seem interested doing what they are doing either.Before you pay for anything, make sure you verify it from other employees. Everything is supper expensive there. Make sure you bring your oun food, drink and even coffee. Do you know how much a tall coffee cost there? $4+. Check other places before you head for a trouble!!


We went on a Saturday and it was a little busy, but that's to be expected. The slopes were fine and the people were too. The best thing about the day was the weather. As for the people complaining about the food, C'Mon, this isn't a 5 star mountain in the Rockies. Pack your own and save yourself some money :)


The slopes are great for beginners and intermediates. The lifts are good and the lines have never been too bad for us. My only issue is that the rental lines are always so slow - I don't know how they could speed them up, but even when it seems like there aren't many people in line, it moves very slowly. Other than that, it's great to be able to get to the slopes in less than two hours and enjoy some very nice skiing.


I am by no means a ski snob, but this place leaves very little to be desired. I spent about an hour purchasing a lift ticket and picking up rentals. Once I got to the mountain there were so many drunk snowboarders I didn't feel safe on the mountain. I was on the chair lift with one lady who said "I think these drinks are getting to my head." She fell getting on the lift and getting off the lift. Snow patrol did nothing about these reckless snow boarders, whose only knowledge of how to turn was to crash land into the snow. Now let's talk about the snow, it's not, it's ice, but it's the East Coast, so I'm not really upset about that. The cafe is over priced and the food is the worst. I should have been smart and packed a lunch. Finally, a young boy with down syndrome was crying and saying he was lost. Workers walked past him without offering to help. I took him to the child ski center where I was informed they don't deal with lost children. Oh okay, let me just hang with this poor, sobbing kid all day because you don't want to "deal" with a lost child. Get rid of the drunkards and the indifferent staff; maybe then I'll consider ever coming back.


If you can go off-peak, you'll have a decent experience. Holidays and weekends can be pretty packed and the lift lines get a little ridiculous.


This is a REALLY nice mountain for southern PA. (Far better than the local competition.) Given its low vertical, there is a lot of variability in the trails and a lot of stuff to do. I was there for a race, and I expected to be bored on such a small mountain. However, they have made a serious effort to build slopes for different levels of skiers. The ungroomed terrain and the long mogul field (all of which are serviced by a single dedicated lift) were very challenging, and even the blue trails were long enough that it felt like real skiing. There are a couple of terrain parks with a lot of good features, including a small half pipe and some moderate size jumps. I would imagine that the place is typically icy, but this february (2015), there was NO ice on the mountain and it was in really good condition. In total, I was really surprised that a mountain this small could be so much fun.Some other positive notes are that the lifts are fairly fast. Although it was a crowded sunday, they kept the lift lines moving efficiently, so you don't waste a lot of time waiting to ski. My one negative comment is that there is no place on the mountain for an adult to relax. Every place to sit down feels like a cafeteria and there is no bar (in fact, no alcohol at all on the mountain). Its really not a very fun place to relax after skiing.


Last minute decision, my 7 year old and I drove 2.5 hours to use our Christmas learn to ski packages. Parking was easy, walked up with our letter and got our lift tickets. Directed to the ski rentals where staff were very friendly and helpful. Had no change for the lockers so, along with many others, tucked our shoes away under then bench. Went outside and checked in for our lesson. The instructors were kind and patient which was great as my son had never skied before. We stayed on the green lifts/slopes and had a lot of fun. The food is RIDICULOUSLY expensive. A little single serve pizza was $9 and a bowl of chili $8. Almost $4 for fountain drinks.THAT is a rip-off and why I didn't rate the experience higher. That and when we came in, my sons shoes were missing and we were unable to find them. The resort sells no foot wear :(The staff member at the Welcome Kiosk out front was upset for us and I walked my guy to our car, drove to the skier drop off and left his rental boots with that nice man to return.


Just returned from skiing at whitetail. They got fresh snow last night so the conditions were great. They paved their parking lot and moved the kid care since last year. The kid care was great. My son had a fantastic time. The lift lines are so long. The ski classes are soooo disorganized. There was 15 people in my ski lesson with one instructor. There were people who skied once with people who have been skiing for twenty years! They need more ski instructors and signs saying what each group is doing! I waited around for half hour before we even started. My daughter only had three in her class so it was good for her. The sign says for snow boarders to go top of magic carpet but no one met her there. The lessons all meet at base of Magic carpet. The skiers snowboarders are rude here. My son was knocked into standing at the base next to the fire pits and a snowboarder slammed into him. Another skier going too fast at base ran into my husband. During our lesson people were just running in between our lesson. Just rude! They need to enforce the slopes better.


Went here for skiing, took the kids for their first time. For the distance from DC it is absolutely excellent. This isn't Chamonix or Park City, let's be serious about that. But if you are lucky and have some natural snowfall, which we just did, this is a decent place with some realistically marked terrain. They have a run that's a legitimate black for a western mountain, and plenty of terrain for beginners and lower intermediates.Was worried about the crowds on a Sunday with a Mountain Dew event there but it really was not that bad. No real delays to the lifts, maybe 5 minutes tops which I have waited in many other places. The kids had a great time and the distance from home gets no complaint.


Easy to get to, easy to navigate, friendly staff and great ski school (for adults and the kiddos). We will definitely be back the mountain!


Whitetail is close and convenient to DC and it's easy to make a daytrip there. Compared to anywhere where decent snow can be found Whitetail is pretty poor, but by DC standards its about as good as you could expect. Conditions are typically icy as there's not a lot of natural snow and it can get uncomfortably crowded on a weekend. Prices aren't great, but they're competitive with the local market. However, the ski lifts tend to run smoothly (some of them are surprisingly fast) and the staff there are always helpful and friendly. There's also a good mix of green, blue ad black runs. If you live in the area and want to spend a day skiing without staying overnight, it's as good an option as any.


We just returned from a day of skiing at Whitetail. We arrived early at 8:00 am because it was a holiday weekend. Good thing we did b/c the lines got very long by lunchtime. My husband and I had purchased our lift tickets through our hotel at a discount and so we only needed our 2 children's rental/lift tickets. It was less expensive to do the lesson/rental/lift ticket for them but the ticket agent talked us into "All Mountain" pass for them vs. just the "greens". Since we had not skied here before, we did know know how the greens/blues were so opted for the "All Mountain". The blues were very steep and a bit too difficult for our 8 year old twins who are decent skiers. There are 6 green runs but they are short. Only 1, Sidewinder was really a good green. All the rest were either serious beginner/bunny slopes or too short. It was odd. There is usually a few decent blues my daughters can ski but at this resort, they were very challenging. The conditions weren't favorable either which made a difference and not Whitetail's fault. The restaurant was nice and offered a variety of foods, even made to order sandwiches which were really good. It was nice not having to only select between burgers, chicken fingers and pre made salads. Overall the food selection in the market was very good. The downside was seating...on a holiday weekend we expected it be crowded but there were just people everywhere. We finally found a table to eat at but it was covered in other peoples bags and gear they left there instead of renting a locker. We found this all over the resort: people claiming tables even though they were on the slopes. It was kinda frustrating. Overall though, it was a great day and our family really enjoyed the time together. The resort was nice, the staff was helpful and really nice and we plan to go back.Pro's: Close to home. We live in Ashburn area and it was only 1.20 min away, good food selections, children's ski programs, lots of parking and snow mountain shop had lots of great gear if you needed it. Awesome helpful ski patrol all over the mountain and ready to help get the kids out of the way of others when getting off the liftsCon's: crowded and long lines on a Holiday weekend (of course), limited range of greens/blues to ski on compared to other resorts


Tall Intermediate mountain for PA with a high speed lift, green trails have nice variety. I have heard the weekend lines are horrid. The amout of line que that I observed confirmed that it must get crazy packed. We wend on a Tuesday but local kids had off school so it was not empty. The gooming of the trails could be alot better. They became choppy too early in the day, by lunch time. Their cafeteria food was terrible and expensive.


This place gets crowded on the weekends, but you can make your visit better by arriving early and eating at odd times. Also, skip lift ticket line by buying online the night before and using will-call window. The fire pits and tables outside are fun hangout spots.

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