beehive trail


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beehive trail



The Beehive is basically a half hike/half climb. You don't need any technical climbing experience to do it, but you can't be afraid of heights. There are a few metal rungs to use and some steep climbs, so be prepared for that. Once you get to the top, the views of the Sand Beach area are breathtaking. After you get to the summit, take a quick swim in "The Bowl" to cool off and take one of the three trails there to get back down. This is a "must" if you are going to Acadia, but don't take little kids on this one!


I greatly enjoyed this hike, and did not personally find it all that difficult. I have done a fair amount of hiking, but I don't know if I would necessarily call myself an "experienced hiker". I do enjoy hiking difficult/interesting trails. The way up involved quite a few metal rungs to climb (never on the side of cliff, but more as handles up a steep slope), and is more like climbing than hiking.The way down is a pretty basic mountain hike. It was fun to watch the view become better and better as we got higher and higher. Great views from the summit! If you are an adventure seeker who likes something more than a basic hike, this trail is for you.


This is more of a climb than a hike (500' in a half mile) but well worth it.If you want more of a climb there is the Precipice Trail, or for an easier walk, the Gorham Mountain trail.Either way you will reach the ridge of Mt. Champlain and have spectacular ocean views.From the top of the Beehive you can take a short route back down via the Gorham Mountain trail or continue north over the ridge.If you choose to continue north, you will pass by the glacial lake well described as "The Bowl", and continue on to the summit of Mt. Champlain. The trail from the Bowl to the summit is not overly traveled and we saw several falcons along the northern side as well as interesting geology and flora, not to mention more vistas.Once at the summit, which has views even more sweeping than from the Beehive, you will be joined by those completing the Precipice Trail. Everyone seemed glad to be here and in no hurry to leave. Continuing north there is a longer gentle descent to the base Mt. Champlain.A great hike with lots of attraction.Just remember the Beehive requires respect: once you start you are committed.


i think it's insane to do this hike.... that's me who cried and sobbed reaching the peak of El Capitan. I would never risk my life going around those ledges without any handholds...


Hiking through Acadia with my husband on our honeymoon and I decided to test my fear of heights and do this trail. I kept telling my husband that if it got to be too much, we would just turn around. We hiked it pretty early in the day to avoid traffic on the trail which I'm very thankful we did. The beginning of the actually incline portions is a bit deceiving with multiple steps arranged leafing you to believe that this trek isn't too bad. Then by the time it gets a bit hairy, as other reviewers have said, it's too late to turn around. I loved testing my fears on this hike-after the fact. I trembled the entire hike and got vertigo basically the entire way. I took it slow and thought out basically evert step. It was not physically a strenuous hike, it was however a mentally strenuous hike! It was certainly an adrenaline rush! The hike down the back side is really easy, so once you summit, the hard part is over. I would probably do it again! Happy hiking!


Enter this trail from the upper sand beach parking lot. This is definitely more of a straight climb than a hike. Our 10 and 12 year old boys scampered up like mountain goats with no problems. I have a fear of heights, but I like to push myself and I thought I would just turn around and go back down if it got too tough. Warning to all those with height issues- by the time it gets tough, you cannot turn around and go back. You either have to do it all the way or not at all. There is a lovely view from the top and the hike down to the bowl (a beautiful lake) was a great reward after. But, knowing what I know now, I would never do this again. The signage is accurate- do not even start this hike if you have a fear of heights or balance issues or improper footwear or young children. The wind is very strong on the precipice as you are climbing and could be very dangerous.


A couple plus decades ago when I was about 12, I went with family to Acadia and all I remember is Eagle Lake and the Beehive. I'm happy to say that in revisiting Beehive, it's still the same after all these years! I may be a little slower getting up there, but the crazy rock edge cliffs and awesome views are still there. So long as you're not afraid of heights or putting your life in the faith of the anchored iron rungs sunken into the rock face, you'll have a great time! Don't be one of those parents who forces their too small children (you know who you are, and so do the rest of after having to hear the sad cries of "I'm scared Daddy" echoing off the rocks) up the trail. There is a back trail that will get you to the same spot with less tears. It's a short trail, with a great reward at the top. Bring some water and your camera. On the way back (I saw only a couple bold/foolish people doing the trail in reverse, there's a backside path down) swing through the trail break off to check out The Bowl mountain top lake. Very cool and only a few minutes off the path. Bonus: After a quick sweat up the Beehive cool off at Sand Beach!


Another fun trail--if you're not sure about doing the Precipice trail, do this one first. At it's worst the Beehive is as challenging, but the 'scary' section is much shorter than those on the Precipice.


Fun hike! Beautiful day! Precipice is definitely the more challenging of the two, Beehive is a good one to start with as a warm up.


According to the National Park Service description (, this trail is considered "strenuous". If you are in decent shape, it should be no problem, assuming the weather is good (i.e. not wet). I am somewhat afraid of heights but did not find this hike to be very scary. The rungs make it easy to get up the steep sections, even for a short person like me. I wore regular athletic shoes and was fine.If you are concerned about the difficulty level, try the Great Head Trail first. The Great Head Trail is also short and considered of "moderate" difficulty. If the Great Head Trail is easy for you, Beehive should be no problem.You can get to the Beehive Trail by parking at Sand Beach, then crossing Park Loop Road at the crosswalk. The views are absolutely gorgeous. Enjoy!


Do it, it's fun and easy and great views. Do this one before doing Precipice to get a hang of climbing on ladders and walking on the edge.


Moderate strenuous, but short hike. Does have iron rungs, but anyone who is NOT afraid of heights can do this hike safely. Do need to pull yourself up some ladder rungs. Not for pets or young children, as there are areas they could easily fall to their death. Went down to the Bowl. We liked the hike so much, we turned around and did it again!! My wife & I are 57.


Not for the faint of heart!I love thrills and there are spots on this hike where you can very easily die.I don't recommend bringing little kids up here.


42 year old guy here, in good shape. I hiked Precipice last year and i had to fight back bouts of anxiety several times but I completed the hike. Based on reviews I looked forward to a similar challenge this year from Beehive.... and didn't get it. The way the trail is set up I was never forced to look down. My buddy and i went to the top of the trail in 15 minutes and we were back at our car in 47 minutes. Keep in mind, I hiked this trail for a workout so i didn't stop and look around too much. You should be aware being in shape may not make this trail easy for you unless you're used to training in a cross-fit style workout. If you are an avid hiker that is accustom to rapid elevation change this trail will not challenge you. With the aforementioned noted, I would not recommend taking small children or pets on this trail. If you found Beehive challenging, STAY AWAY FROM PRECIPICE!


This was our first climb in Acadia. We're both in good shape but the fear factor certainly kicks in during parts of this climb. I had proper hiking boots on and I was seeing some others wearing Vibrams and Chucks (!!) while climbing. I would not recommend that. Wind gusts can make the thin ledges a little scary to pass, but we made it, and took some great pics at the top!

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